I turn my head away from the disgusting asshole.
I wonder if they would let let me go if I told them the truth?That I’m not a virgin.
Hope fills me, and I look back at him and smile. “Sorry to disappoint you, Mario, but I am indeednota virgin. So, I’m sorry that Mr. Clemente has been led to believe otherwise.
Mario shrugs it off, then points to a door over on the right. “In there is the bathroom. Clean yourself and get dressed in this,” he says, placing the negligee on my shoulder, then looks down at my attire, and I feel my body chill. “And if you come out wearing those dirty clothes, I will take all the clothes away including the negligee, and keep you naked for all the men to see. So don’t test me.”
I swallow hard thinking about his words. He said, ‘for all the men to see.’ What men? Who are they? Where are they? What do they want with Paige and me? Tears threaten to fall again. “Please, will you just tell me what you’re going to do with us?”
“Don’t worry, little girl, all will be revealed soon.” And with that, he walks back to the door and shuts it behind him. I run over hoping it’s unlocked, but as I suspected, it’s not. I stand banging on the door, screaming louder and louder, “Let me out. Please, let me out.” But there’s no reply.
I place my ear to the door, trying to hear if there’s anyone out there who might help, but all I can hear is the thumping of my heart. I turn to face the bed and slowly walk back picking up the negligee in the process. I clench the material in my hand noticing the rich fabric that was used to make it.
Where am I?
Where did they take Paige?
I walk to the bathroom, and the shower before me almost brings tears to my eyes. The design of it reminds me of the shower back at the villa, and my heart fills with dread.
How could I have been so stupid?
Knowing tears are not going to get me anywhere, I reach in the shower and turn the faucet on, instantly loving the warm water on my hand as I adjust the temperature. I get undressed and make my way under the hot shower, letting it wash away all the dirt and grime.
My parents spring to mind, and I think about how they must be going out of their minds with concern about Paige and me, wondering where we are and if we’re safe.
I need to find a way to call them.
But how?
They took away my cell, and I doubt I’ll be able to break out of here. I grab the shampoo and quickly lather my hair, then wash myself with the bodywash. I run my fingers over the marks on my skin where they injected the drugs into my bloodstream.
This is all a giant nightmare, and I know one I’m not going to wake up from anytime soon. Fear grips me when my mind wanders to what their plans are for us. I feel myself crumbling into a thousand pieces and begin to cry, letting my body slide to the tiled floor as my tears mix with the water streaming down my face.
Hugging my knees into my chest, I let them run free, allowing all my pain and worry out knowing nobody is around to hear me. I’m so scared and can only imagine how Paige is feeling. She’s so young and must be going out of her mind.
I must remain strong for both of us, but it’s something I’m not sure I can do.
I sit under the water for a little while longer, then when all my tears are done, I slowly stand to my feet and switch off the faucets. I step out and grab the nearby fluffy white towel.
I dry my hair and my body catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I don’t recognize the girl that’s looking back at me. She’s pale with dark bags under her eyes, and her cheeks are sunken in.
I turn away, not liking what I see, and continue to dry myself.
Noticing there’s no underwear, I grab the black negligee and place it over my head, letting it drop to a pool at my feet. I adjust the straps over my shoulders and see a nearby brush on the counter and begin to stroke out my knots.
A noise sounds outside in the bedroom, and I quickly run out to see if someone has come to my rescue. “Hello? Who are you?” I ask the stranger who’s standing by the bed in a black suit and tie.
“Hello, Alexandra, I’m Christopher. I’m here to ensure that you look immaculate before you’re introduced downstairs. I swallow hard feeling the lump in my throat. There’s something familiar about his voice.
“What is d-downstairs?” I mumble, fear coming through my words in the form of a stutter. Then, all of a sudden it comes to me, he’s the man with the American accent who was in the back of the van.
“He smiles. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about. Now let me take a look at you.” He steps in closer, and I notice his combed light brown hair and blue eyes. Christopher doesn’t look like a monster, but then again, I have no idea what his role is in all of this. The American begins to walk around me in a circle, and my body stills. This asshole’s looking at me like a prize, a possession, and my legs begin to tremble.
“Mmm, you are quite beautiful, Alexandra Ambers.”
Stunned that he knows my full name, I quickly turn my head to him.