Somehow, I swallow the last piece of bread, then without taking a breath, I chew down on the apple, frantically biting until I’m left with only the core. I push myself back against the concrete floor and shove the core in my mouth.

My body has odor, my hair feels oily and wet, and my clothes are also damp and sticking to me. I need a hot shower badly.

I look over at Paige and smile, trying to give her some sense of comfort as she continues to eat. She looks terrible, too. Her hair is flat against her face, and her clothes that were once white are now light brown, and she has dark circles under her eyes.

I’m sure I look the same.

I glance down at my attire, noticing my dress is also dirty and slightly torn.

“Now, it’s time for you to get cleaned up,” Scar says.

I whip my head to his, not believing what I’ve just heard.

Did he saycleaned up?

When he sees my instant attention, he laughs. Then he walks slowly to me and kneels facing me. I can hear Mario laughing in the background when Scar picks up a lock of my hair and twirls a curl in his finger. I try and pull back, but with the wall behind me, it doesn’t leave me much room to move. He pulls on it, forcing me to keep still. Then he leans into me and licks a wet line from my shoulder to my earlobe which makes my skin crawl.

His acrid breath makes me sick to my stomach almost throwing up my recent meal.

“Quit, playing, Scar. We have shit we need to do.”

Scar smiles, exposing his yellow teeth. “What a shame, I was just starting to have some fun. He then gets up and walks to Paige. Her lips tremble, and her body turns taut.She’s scared.

Quickly, I’m grabbed by my arm and lifted to my feet by Mario while Scar does the same with Paige. She screams when he pulls her up and rubs his hard-on against her hip.

“Leave her alone,” I yell, trying to get Scar’s attention.

He doesn’t listen, though, and slaps Paige’s ass then pulls her by the arm. We’re both dragged out of the cell down the dark and grim corridor once again.

We step up the stairs and come face to face with a door.

Scar unlocks and opens it wide, dragging Paige behind him. Mario follows with me in hand. Suddenly, I’m blinded by the whiteness around me, so I cover my eyes. The floor is a white marble gloss, and the walls are bright white. I’m almost scared to walk on the floor thinking I might dirty it with my filthy feet. Looking to my right, I notice another corridor that leads down a hall, and to my left are huge double doors that look like they’re made of solid wood. I take everything in, making sure I don’t miss any details. I need to remember everything, so I can plan our escape.

To my surprise, we are taken up carpeted stairs with a wooden banister that leads to the second floor, the design of it reminding me of an ancient castle.

Mario speaks to Scar in another language, and by the sound of the accent, it’s Spanish.

Damn!I wish I took more notice in Spanish class, then perhaps I could understand what their plans are.

Paige walks in front of me, and once we reach the top, Mario drags me to the left, and Paige is dragged to the right. She turns crying out my name, and I shout out hers feeling my eyes prick with tears.

Mario doesn’t budge. He pulls on my arm forcefully and drags me to a room where he shoves me into it and locks the door behind us. I quickly turn around, scared he might try to do something to me.

“Don’t worry, signora, I’m not going to touch you. Clemente would kill me if I touch his prizes.”

Feeling a sense of relief, I take a look around the room noticing large red velvet drapes covering the windows. A bed sits in the center, draped in a black and red duvet. Dark mahogany furniture dresses the room with a fireplace that has a rug before it.

It does look like a castle.

If this were another time, I would appreciate its splendor, but it’s not another time. I’ve been kidnapped against my will, and I have no idea what they plan to do with Paige and me.

My eyes focus on a garment that’s lying flat on the bed. I walk toward it—a black silk negligee with lace around the breasts.

I turn to Mario and ask, “You don’t expect me to wear this?”

He takes a couple of steps and picks up the negligee. “Not me, Mr. Clemente, and he doesn’t like disobedience. Mario hands me the negligee, then lifts my chin with his finger. “You are very beautiful. I’m only sorry I didn’t meet you under different circumstances.”

I take a step back, not wanting him to touch me and glare at him. He laughs, steps in closer again, then he leans in and whispers in my ear, “Tell me, Lexi, are you still pure?”