“We shall. I’m famished.”
Walking into the restaurant, our mom and dad wave to us at a table outside.
“Morning,” I greet my parents and give them both a kiss.
“Morning, girls, how did you sleep?”
“Amazing,” Paige, answers.
“What she said,” I agree.
My dad smiles and points to the buffet “Get yourselves some breakfast, the omelets are great.”
Paige and I head to the buffet and start stacking our plates with food. I look up and notice that Pepe from yesterday is outside, talking to another guy whose eyes are on us. Pepe’s not in his uniform today. Instead, he’s wearing khaki shorts and a white polo top. It must be his day off. Paige looks up and smiles. Pepe waves, and she waves back.
“He’s so cute,” Paige says as I continue to add some bacon to my plate. I look up again, and when I do, I find that Pepe is on his cell speaking to someone.
I turn around with Paige and head back to our table. Mom and Dad talk all about the plans they have for us as a family, and I listen to how they have organized for us to go hiking to see the waterfalls and a bus tour to the village.
Paige and I agree and decide today we will head out to the waterfalls.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ambers, are you enjoying your breakfast?”
We look up at the familiar accent and find Pepe is smiling down at us all.
“Yes, we are. Thank you.”
“That’s very good. I wanted to ask your daughter, Paige, if she would like to do some sightseeing with me today? If that’s okay with you, Mr. and Mrs. Ambers.”
“Oh… um...” my mom says then looks at my dad, who is also a little taken back by his offer to take Paige out.
“That’s very nice of you, Pepe, but we have already made plans,” Dad states.
“Dad, please, we can see the waterfalls tomorrow. Please, can I go?”
My dad looks at me with a blank look then back at Paige. “I really don’t think it’s a good idea, Paige.”
I look over at her, and she looks as if she’s on the verge of tears. Feeling sorry for her, I offer, “I’ll go with them, Dad.” I can’t help but feel bad for Paige. She’s at that age where boys are the center of her universe. It should be for me too, but that’s just not going to happen for me anytime soon. Plus, I can keep my eye on them because we don’t even know this Pepe.
My dad turns his eyes to me and links his fingers placing his hands on the table. He then looks back up at Pepe. “Paige can go as long as Alexandra goes with you.”
“Sure, Mr. Ambers. How do they say in English? The more, the merrier?” Pepe’s eyes then turn to me, and I sense a feeling of annoyance, but then the look is soon replaced with a smile. “What time will you ladies be ready? Say an hour?” he asks, looking at his watch.
“That will be perfect, Pepe,” Paige answers, and I look at my watch thinking it will be ten o’clock by then.
“Okay, good. I will see you both out front. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast.” Pepe smiles at Paige, then turns and walks out of the restaurant.
There’s something about him that’s off, but I can’t figure out what it is.
“Well, looks like our plans have changed. We will do the waterfalls tomorrow. then.”
“Sounds like a plan,” I say.
We continue to eat our breakfast, and then I look at my watch. “I’m going to go and get changed into something else now we’re leaving the resort.”
Paige and I stand and kiss our parents, then go to turn when my dad grabs my hand gaining my attention. I look down at our hands then back up at him.
“Take care of your sister, Alexandra. Stay together and call us to let us know where you are. You’re older and have a good head on your shoulders.”