Tate turns back to Quill with an eyebrow raised.
“It all there?” Prez asks, and Tate nods. Prez lets out a small whistle when he looks at what’s in the bag.
“So, do we have a deal or what?”
Tate rubs the back of his neck, then nods, placing his hand out. “We do.”
“My man.” They shake hands then, and Tate turns back to one of his men and asks, “Get me the cash.”
Tate’s plan was to end business between them tonight, but it seems as though he’s giving them another chance considering they showed up with the goods. If he’s happy, then so be it. We’re here as back-up only.
Luke goes to the club’s SUV and returns with a small, black backpack which is probably full of cash and hands it to Tate. Tate throws it over to Big Pete who opens it and smiles. “Knew I could count on you to keep your promise.”
Luke, Tate’s VP, picks up the bag containing the guns and carries it away to the SUV.
“Yeah, brother, I’ll keep my promise as long as you keep yours. This happens again, and we will be taking our business elsewhere. Don’t have time to waste.”
Big Pete nods and replies, “I got you, brother.”
“That’s it, then?”
“I guess so.”
“See you later, boys,” Tate murmurs, then turns around and walks outside.
We stand back watching to ensure nothing happens. Big Pete nods to us, then walks to his SUV, takes off with a squeal of wheels, and we step outside where Tate and his boys are standing.
“Well, that went smoothly,” Prez says.
Tate smiles. “Yeah, didn’t know for a second there which way it was gonna go. Thanks for coming out, looks like we didn’t need the heavy muscle after all.”
They shake hands.
“Anytime, brother,” Quill says.
This is exactly why I wanted to join the club, they will do anything for another brother.
“Let’s go back to the clubhouse… drinks are on me,” Tate announces.
Tate starts up his bike and points to the road. “Let’s head out.”
We slide on our bikes and follow Tate back to the clubhouse.
The sun streaming through the window has me rousing from my sleep. I sit up in my bed and look to the side where the beach is in full view. It’s magical. I pull the sheets off and swing my legs to the side of the bed to stand and stretch.
I open the sliding door to the balcony off my bedroom and embrace the breeze and exotic flowery scent flowing through my room. Walking onto the balcony, I rest my hands on the ledge and look out at the ocean. People are swimming, already enjoying the day. Beneath me is the pool where people are sunbathing. To the right is an outdoor restaurant serving breakfast with a buffet outside. The smell of coffee wafts up to my room, encouraging me to get dressed and head down.
Opening my bag, I decide to unpack it and hang some clothes in the ample walk-in closet and drawers. I grab my one-piece swimsuit and denim shorts and head to the bathroom to take a shower. Once done, I place on a little makeup and lip gloss, tie my hair in a messy bun, and head out to my room where Paige is waiting for me dressed and ready to start the day.
“Hey, you, how did you sleep?” I ask as I fold my pajamas.
Paige falls back on my bed. “So good. My bed is extra comfy.”
“Tell me about it, I slept like a baby.” I have to admit, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to have a good night’s sleep, and last night was the first night I didn’t wake up to any nightmares.
“Shall we go down, I’m starving?”