We giggle and head to our suitcases that were left by the front door. I’d usually unpack all my clothes first, then go outside, but this time, I want to get out on the beach straightaway. I smile to myself when I locate the two-piece bathing suit that Rhyder forbade me to buy and grab my toiletries bag and rush to a bedroom.

Paige and I have been so excited that we haven’t even had a chance to look at where we will be sleeping.

“I found my room,” I yell out to Paige as I open a door that leads to a gorgeous bedroom. Again, hanging from the ceiling is a large white spinning fan, which is directly above a plush king-size bed covered with a pristine white comforter. The pillows are silver and match the accents of the room. There’s also a large-screen television on the wall and a huge area for hanging clothes. Off to the right is an ensuite, which I will check out shortly after I grab a few more items I need.

I hear Paige’s feet padding over to the other side of the villa, and then she yells, “Found mine, too.”

I head into the ensuite and sigh when I see the full-glass window with a spa next to it. It’s tinted, but you can still see the view of the ocean while you sit back and have a relaxing bath. I’ll have to take advantage of that bath at some stage. I look to the right and find a very modern two-person shower.

Wow, just wow! I don’t have time to think about it for too long because Paige is yelling out if I’m ready. I quickly shut the door and undress, getting into my bikini. Once I’m finished, I look at myself in the mirror, loving how it fits like a glove and shows off my curves. Placing my hair in a ponytail, I quickly seek out some sunscreen, not wanting to get burned. Rubbing it into my skin, I hear, “Oh my gosh, that’s so hot,” come from behind me. I turn to find Paige dressed in her yellow one-piece which gives her that so-sweet-and-innocent look.

“Thanks.” I quickly place some lip balm on my lips and turn around taking the sunscreen with me. “Let’s go.” We head out but not before I grab a spare bag that I can use to place my personal belongings in. We knock on my parents’ villa and let them know we’re heading out for a swim. “Okay, girls, just be careful. Don’t go too deep.”

“Seriously, Mom… we’re not babies anymore,” Paige says, and I agree.

“I know, girls, but I still worry about you. Go… enjoy yourselves. Your dad and I might join you later.


We head down the stairs and pass the resort’s pool. It’s a kidney shape that’s spread around the resort. A bar sits in the middle of the pool allowing guests to swim up to it and order a drink.

“How cool is that bar?” I ask, pointing to it. “Pity you can’t order a drink,” I tease, winking at Paige.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

We grab towels from the cabana and make our way down to the beach. Luckily, there are two free sun chairs, so we place our towels on them and lie down.

“Drink, ladies?” I look up shielding the sun with my hand noticing a young man who looks my age and has a Spanish accent. He’s wearing the hotel’s uniform with a Hawaiian-style shirt and white shorts holding a pad and pen in his hand.

“I’ll have an iced tea.”

“Make that two,” Paige adds.

“Very good, ladies. My name is Pepe, and I’ll be looking after you today. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be right back with your order.”

“Thanks, Pepe.”

Pepe turns and heads toward the bar, and I grab my sunglasses out of my bag and place them over my eyes. Paige already has hers on and is putting her EarPods as she shuffles through some music. I stare out at the ocean when I hear a ping from my cell. I look at it and open the text.

Rhyder:Have you arrived safely? R

R? Oh, Rhyder,I think to myself. He has never signed off like that before. I smile wide loving that he’s already thinking of me. It’s only been a day, and he’s already asking me how I am.

Me:Yes, I have, thanks for asking.

Rhyder:What are you doing?

Me:Just sitting by the beach enjoying the sun with my sister.

I can tell he’s writing something because the three dots appear, then they vanish. He must be thinking about what he’s going to say. Then it finally comes through.

Rhyder:Please tell me you and your sister aren’t alone on the beach.

Me:Um… yeah, we’re on holiday and when you say alone do other people on the beach count?

Rhyder:Do they know you?
