Stacey has a big smile on her face, whereas Diane’s more concerned. I wonder how much I should tell them, but then I think I’ve come this far, what’s one more piece of information?
“We kissed.”
Diane nearly spits the contents in her mouth out as some dribbles down her chin, and I laugh.
“Wait! Go back to the bit where you kissed him? Can I say… what the hell?”
“Well, he kissed me. It wasn’t long, just a quick kiss.”
“Oh, no, you don’t… I can’t believe you kissed a guy from the biker club? Isn’t he old enough to be like your dad?”
I laugh. “No, Di. Rhyder is older than me, but he wouldn’t be older than around twenty-five.”
“Far out, Lex.”
“How was the kiss?” Stacey asks.
Immediately, I feel my cheeks blush remembering how his kiss made me feel, how his tongue tangled with mine making me feel alive.
“That good, huh?”
I smile at Stacey. “It was nice, but it’s not going to happen again.”
“Of course, it won’t,” Diane blurts. “What would Daddy say if he found out you were fraternizing with a biker? I can’t believe it!”
“I know, I know… don’t worry… I’m going on vacation soon, and then I’ll be off to Harvard, and far away from Rhyder. I’ll probably never see him again.” I trace my finger around the rim of my cup and try to ignore the fact that my stomach just sunk at the mere thought of never seeing that man again.
“Good. You’ve been through too much. You don’t need to be involved in a biker gang.”
I know what Di’s saying is true, I just wish my heart would feel the same.
I smile and take another sip of my mocha. “Thanks to both of you for listening and not judging me.”
“We would never judge you. We’re here for you, no matter what. If there’s anything you need, just ask. Anytime, okay?”
I grab both their hands and thank them, then make them promise that my secret is safe. Then I quickly change the subject to our family holiday in Mexico and our plans while we’re there.
Driving to Nevada has got to be the longest ride ever. It’s hot, dry, and there are cars everywhere heading to Vegas. I’ve always been up for any action and available should our prez need me. Love the buzz, even getting my blade wet would make me a happy man. But this time, I feel like something’s not right, and I know exactly where that feeling is coming from.
Just thinking about her has me fucking hard. She’s driving me crazy. I’ve never wanted any girl like I want Lexi. Even with everything she’s been through, you would think sex with her is the last thing on my mind, but it’s all I’ve thought about sincethekiss.
I feel strange having feelings for her. I know she’s only eighteen, and she’s been to hell and back, but my God, she sure is one girl I want to know. And the body she has on her is perfection and made especially for me. I must be out of my goddamn mind to want a girl who’s completely out of my league. I can’t imagine how she’d react to one of our club parties. She’s not used to that kind of lifestyle. I am sure she’s used to going to gala nights and cocktail parties on the upper east side.
Unlike me, I was born in a small town in Kentucky on a ranch with my mom and dad. They’re still there running the ranch with my brother, Dex, who’s older than me by seven years. He’s married to a girl in town, with three kids, and helps my parents grow crops and manage cattle on the land.
My folks always thought I was going to be the one to take over the ranch someday, and that’s what I’d always planned to do, but when I joined the United States Navy SEALs, it changed my life. When I finished my tour, I was a different man. I’d seen way too much ugly in my young years. I was only eighteen when I entered the Navy and finished my tour after three years.
When I returned home, it was as if I was in search of something else. I served in the Navy with Tony, short for Anthony, who goes by Torch in the Blood Brothers MC. We grew up together and have been best friends since our moms had us in the same hospital. When we returned from serving, he and I decided to go on a ride for a few days, just to spend some time outdoors to refresh and unwind.
We remembered a marine, Blaze, who was on a mission with us, and that he was going back to New York to visit some friends in a motorcycle club. When we caught up with Blaze, Torch and I felt at home. It was as if we were part of a brotherhood once again, and the extra benefit of getting pussy at any time was something we couldn’t pass up. So, we asked to patch in.
Firstly, we were classed as hangarounds, then we prospected, and after we proved ourselves, we were voted in unanimously by the club and became permanent members.
My folks still haven’t forgiven me for leaving Kentucky. They just don’t understand why I prefer to be in a motorcycle club over the land. I get how it looks. It appears to them as if I don’t want any responsibilities and to lead a carefree lifestyle, but they need to understand that this is my life now, and I am happy in it.