I take one last look at Lexi before I head off to the clubhouse. I don’t recognize myself lately nor my actions. Since when have I given a shit about a civilian? Why is it that she takes over my every thought?
From what I’m guessing, she’s around eighteen possibly nineteen, and I’m at least five years older, but that doesn’t stop me from wanting her.
Fuck me!I’ve just admitted to myself that Iwanther.
Honestly, I want her like I need the air to breathe, but I know she deserves better, and I have to get it through my thick skull Lexi doesnotbelong with me. Since when have I wanted a girl in my life other than a fuck buddy? I have loads of choices. I could have a different woman each night, but here I am hung up over a schoolgirl.
Fuck! I need to get my shit together and have a woman in my bed, like now!
Opening the doors to church, Prez eyes me right away, and I can tell he’s pissed. I don’t blame him. This is the third time I’ve been late to church in the last couple of months, and it’s all because of Lexi.
“Finally, he graces us with his presence,” Prez spits, the sarcasm in his voice is overwhelming.
I run my hand through my hair as a sly smile appears on my face. “Yeah, sorry about that, Prez. I was just—”
“Yeah, yeah, you were just… what is it this time, Rhyder? Fixing your bike? No? Um… let me see,” Prez says rubbing his jaw. “That’s it! Following some girl?”
I snap my head to Torch knowing he’s the only one who knows about Lexi as he was the one there that night. Torch looks at me, shifting uncomfortably in his chair, and places his palms up. “Someone had to say something. You’re never around anymore. The club comes first, brother.”
I grind my teeth, fucked off Torch has ratted me out. We’ve been friends for years, even before we joined the Blood Brothers MC, and he tells the club about Lexi?
“Why you fuckin’—”
“Shut the fuck up, Rhyder,” Prez yells. “If anyone’s going to know why you’ve been acting strange the last few months, then it’s Torch. We questioned him for a solid hour before he gave us an answer. Now take a fuckin’ seat so we can get church started.”
I inhale and narrow my eyes on Torch before I take my seat next to him. The other brothers are grinning, and some are having a good laugh.
Yeah, fuck you, boys.
I look up at Prez and nod.
“You and I are gonna have words after church. Right now, I need your head here. You got me?” he asks, stabbing his finger on the table.
“I got you.”
“Good.” He turns around and continues, “Tomorrow morning we head out to Vegas to help the Sinners, who have a gun deal going down with the Rattlesnakes’ crew. You all know what’s going down. I just wanna make sure you’re all good with what we’re there to do? No blood will be shed unless I give the word.” Prez takes a minute to look at each and every one of us then says, “This club has been through too much, and the last thing we need is for the Rattlesnakes to be added to the list. We are doing this as a favor to Tate and out of respect for Tracker.”
The Rattlesnakes are a South American crew who smuggle guns for the Mexican Cartel. The Sinners have been dealing weapons with them, but they want out as they’re always bailing out on delivery and come up short. The Sinners sell the guns in Nevada and other states which brings in another income for the club. This was a business that the Blood Brothers used to deal in along with coke, but that was before Quill was our prez. The clubhouse earned good money then, but from what I heard, they were in all sorts of trouble, and there were too many wars between other motorcycle clubs. Quill turned this club around for the good, and we make our money through other businesses like Mike’s Bar and Black Panthers, which is a stripper club the Blood Brothers own.
Prez said we weren’t going to do any business that involved illegal activity, but it seems the more we don’t want in, the more we get dragged into it. Just like what we’re doing for the Sinners right now. We don’t usually get involved, but since it’s for Tate—he said he needs more men and basically more muscle in case things go sour when they try to pull out of the partnership—we are in to help.
The Rattlesnakes have a reputation. Their leader, Big Pete, is a scary motherfucker. I’ve seen him once at one of the Sinners’ club parties, and he and his gang are not people you want to fuck around with. Let’s just hope everything goes smoothly because if it doesn’t, it looks like guns will be a-blazing.
Prez continues, “Tate has been there for our club in the past. I don’t need to remind you of that. So, we let the Sinners take control, then if we’re needed, we will be there as backup. Anyone got any questions?”
The room is silent.
“Good. Our flight leaves tomorrow at eight in the morning. Then Tate and his boys will pick us up from the airport. So, boys, get your rest.” Prez then looks at me and says, “That includes you, Rhyder. You will be on time,” he states while pointing at me.
I don’t say anything. I simply nod.
“Good. Anyone else got somethin’ to say?”
“No, Prez,” a few reply.
I rub my finger over the woodgrain table as I realize I’m not going to see Lexi tonight.Listen to me talking like I’ve got plans with her.The boys would have a field day if they knew I’ve been following an eighteen-year-old girl around who’s barely out of high school.