“Really?” I ask excitedly. “What? Where is it?”

My dad grabs my hand and leads me to the front door, my mom and Paige close behind us. We make our way outside, and I’m greeted by a black Audi that’s parked in the driveway with a big red bow tied around it. It’s a convertible with two doors and leather seats.

Well, that’s it—I’m lost for words.

I look over at my dad and then behind me to my mom and Paige.

Finally finding my words again, I say, “No, this can’t be happening. Is it? Is this for me?” I ask with shock coming through in my voice.

My dad reaches into his right pants pocket and dangles a set of keys in front of me. “She’s yours, baby girl.”

I squeal and jump into his arms. “Oh my God, you bought me a car!”

“How else are you going to come home and visit us on the holidays when you’re at Harvard? You deserve it. We’re so proud of you.”

Tears run down my face while I squeeze him tightly. “Thanks, Dad.” I peck his cheek, then run to my mom to hug her to thank her as well. I turn and grab the keys out of my dad’s hand, and sprint to my new car, opening the door and sliding into the seat. The smell of the fine leather envelops me as I look at myself in the rearview mirror.

This is all mine.

I can’t wait to show my new car to my friends.

I can’t believe they bought me an Audi for a graduation present.

“Hey, can I come?”

I see Paige standing next to my dad and laugh. “Yeah, sure, but let’s get changed first.”


Driving back to our house, I park my car and notice Diane and Stacey standing in my driveway talking to my parents. When they notice me, their mouths open wide gaping at me in surprise.

“No way! Don’t tell me this is yours?” Diane smiles and looks from me to the back seat and then to me again. “You have to take us for a drive.”

“I’ll let you girls go, I’ve got stuff to do.” Paige slides out of the car, and Diane tilts the front seat back for Stacey, allowing her to jump in the back. Diane slides into the front seat, and it’s not long before she’s touching everything on the dashboard.

“Hey, stop that,” I say, slapping her hand away.

“Lexi, you are seriously the luckiest girl alive. You have a car? And it’s an Audi, too. I can’t believe it!”

I smile at her, then grab my sunglasses and place them over my eyes. “Yup, an Audi. Where to, ladies?” I ask as I start the engine.

“I don’t care where we go, I just want to be seen in this.”

Heading out of the driveway, I laugh, then wave to my parents once again.

We take a drive around the streets then onto the highway so I can show these girls what this baby can do. With our hair flying in the wind and the music on loud, I can forget all my worries for now. Nothing matters but this feeling of being with my closest friends, carefree and in my Audi.

I exit off the highway, then see one of our favorite cafés ahead. This will be a good place and a great opportunity to have that chat with the girls. It’s something I’ve been dreading, but I know I need to do. Diane and Stacey are my best friends, so they deserve to know what happened. If anything, maybe it will make them more cautious and aware it can happen to anyone.

Reversing into the street parking space, I notice my hands are sweaty. I’m nervous. I’m nervous that if I tell them what happened to me that maybe they will look at me differently. I want them to treat me as they always have, not worrying about if they might say the wrong thing or hurt my feelings by bringing up the past. I simply want things to go back to the way they were before this happened to me.

“What can I get you, ladies?”

“I’ll have a mocha, please.” I move aside for the girls as they place their order.

“Go get us a table. It’s on me.” Stacey waves us off, and Diane and I grab a table by the window.

“You’re so lucky, girl. I would die for a car like that.” I look out the window at my Audi and think again how lucky I really am. “It is pretty cool, isn’t it?”