He went from being angry at me one minute, then all over me the next.
Shoot, I forgot to tell him I’ll be away on holiday in Mexico with my family. I’m going to have to text him and let him know. I can only imagine what he would do if he came back, and I was nowhere to be found. I can’t seem to work him out, but I do know one thing, I’m going to miss him like hell for the next few days, and this is so unlike me. I don’t usually get involved with older men, and certainly not one who’s involved with a motorcycle club.
What the hell am I thinking?
There’s one thing I do know for sure, I want to be kissed by him again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the fuck did I just do? I kissed her, goddammit, and I probably scared the livin’ shit out of her. I mean she’s been through hell and what do I do… I fuckin’ kiss her.”
“Calm the fuck down, brother.”
I look up from where I’m standing in my room at Torch, who’s just entered with a beer in hand. After church, Torch and I had words about how I trusted him not to say anything about Lexi until I was ready. I didn’t need the clubhouse to know about my overprotectiveness when it came to her. To be honest, I was probably not looking forward to being teased to hell and back about her for the rest of my life. The boys know me as a stud, one of the last single guys here at the club who has always said he wasn’t going to be wrapped up in one woman. Yet, here I fucking am, following a schoolgirl around like a damn lapdog.
“What am I doin’, man? Why can’t I leave this chick alone?”
“Because, brother…” Torch says, smiling wide, “… you’re a goner.”
“What the fuck did you say?”
“You’re a fuckin’ goner. Looks like I’m the one who’s gonna be the last man standing.”
“No way, brother. I kissed her… didn’t ask her to marry me.”
Torch spits his beer from his mouth as he tries to hold back his laugh. “Yeah, yeah, that’s what Blaze said. Oh… and Trigger.”
“Not gonna happen. I just had a taste of her, that’s all,” I explain, taking off my cut and placing it neatly on my bed. On the ride back to the clubhouse I couldn’t think of anything but Lexi. Her long glossy hair smelling of sunflowers. Her full, luscious lips that tasted so goddamn good had me hard the whole ride back. She has curves in the all the right places with a firm round ass that would make any man want to squeeze it, but I can’t be that way with her. Lexi’s different, she’s not like the whores at the clubhouse. She is young and has her whole life ahead of her. I’m sure she has plans for her future, ones that don’t involve a biker who has nothing to his name but a motorcycle.
“You’re thinking too much, brother.”
I snap my head to Torch. “What do you mean?”
“Look…” he says, taking a step closer and a swig of his beer, “… you obviously want her. Why not take her at least for a night, you know, to see if it’s anything more than just sex?”
I widen my eyes. “Are younotlistenin’ to what I’m sayin’? She’s a fuckin’ kid, man, her parents are rich fuckers. She’s not the kind of girl who has one-night stands.”
Torch shakes his head. “I never thought I’d see the day that Rhyder gives up the opportunity to get some damn pussy.”
I think about what he’s saying because it’s true. I’ve never cared about a girl, never thought about anything other than my bike, this club, and pussy. Yet, here I am, thinking way too much about this girl. Fuck, I gotta get laid.
“Saw Brittany out front.”
“Yeah? Might go see what she’s up to.”
Torch laughs. “Up to you? You know she’ll do your bidding. Just click your fingers, and she’ll come running.”
I laugh knowing he’s right.
“I’m out. All this talk about getting laid is getting me hard. Might have to find my own whore.” Torch leaves, shutting the door behind him, and I sit staring at it.
Should I have a shower or go find Brittany?
Fuck it!
I head toward the bathroom and remove my clothes. A cold shower is what I need, but when I stand under the water, it seems my mind is not helping my erection. I can still taste Lexi on my lips and how her body felt so perfect in my arms. The way she shivered when I stuck my tongue in her mouth proves she felt it too.