I try to stop my thoughts from going off on all sorts of tangents. What are you thinking, Lexi?Cut it out.
We continue to ride for the next twenty minutes, and I’m confused when he knows the exact route to take to my house.How does he know where I live? I make a mental note to ask him when we arrive, but then I remember he’s been following me so, of course, he knows where I live. We turn left into my street, and I thank God he stops a few houses back before mine because the sound of his motorcycle would surely have people looking out their windows, including my mom.
Pulling in to the curb, he kicks the kickstand down and hops off the bike. Turning to me, he lifts his hands under my chin and unbuckles my helmet. The touch of his fingers on my skin causes goosebumps to erupt over my body. Rhyder places the helmet on the handlebars, then folds his arms. I can’t help but notice how his biceps cause his shirt to tighten, threatening to rip open.
Shit, he’s angry again.
Slowly, I slide off the seat, but he places his hand on my shoulder to keep me still. I frown. “Thanks for the ride, but I need to go now,” I say, looking ahead at my house.
Rhyder smirks, and I take a minute to take him in. He’s gorgeous. I remember thinking that on that night, but I was too caught up in what I had been through, and even now, just looking at him feels wrong, but I can’t help noticing his chiseled jaw, full lips, and piercing black-colored eyes. His hair is shaved on the sides with a longer top and styled with some product, giving it that messy effect. His white tee is snug against his muscled chest, and his jeans sit low on his hips. Even with him looking angry, he’s still hot.
“What the hell were you thinkin’, Lexi?”
I stare at him for a while wondering what he means.
“Do I have to remind you what happened to you last time you were alone on the streets? Are you fuckin’ crazy?” he growls.
“Why are you yelling at me? I had a bad night, okay.” I turn and begin to pace to my house, but he catches up to me and spins me around with his hands on my arms forcing our faces only inches apart.
“Let go of me,” I cry out, tears now pricking my eyes at the mention of what happened to me not so long ago.
Rhyder lets out a breath and drops his head along with his hands. “I’m sorry,” he mutters as I turn away to wipe my tears. “Sometimes I can be a jerk.”
“You don’t say,” I reply, crying and laughing at the same time.
He looks up at me, and our eyes connect. His hand moves to my face where he wipes away a tear that’s sliding down my cheek with his thumb. Then he rubs it with the back of his hand, and I hold my breath. He’s so close, I can feel his breath on my face. His tongue slips out to lick his lips, and I stand there waiting for him to kiss me.
Without even realizing what I’m doing, I shut my eyes and open my mouth waiting for his lips to touch mine, wanting to know what they will feel like. Will they be rough? Will they be smooth? His thumb trails down my cheek then traces my lips. I feel the wetness from my tears as he wipes it from his thumb onto them. His other hand cups the back of my nape, and I feel him inch closer.
But then I hear a “Fuck me,” and I open my eyes.
Rhyder steps back and curses more.
Now I am feeling embarrassed that I basically threw myself at him, so I say, “Okay, I better go now. My mom will be waiting for me.” Slowly turning toward my house, I hear, “Lexi?” I stop and spin around.
Rhyder’s standing with his hands tucked in the front of his jean pockets. “It’s not that I don’t want you,” he explains, staring straight into my eyes causing me to feel like an electric current is running directly between us. “Fuck! I’m no good with words. You’re different, you’re beautiful, but you’re not ready for this.” He points his finger between us, and in my gut, I know he’s right. I’m not ready for anything right now. How could I be after everything that happened to me? So why am I feeling so alive right now? I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so badly in my life.
I run my tongue over my now dry lips. “It’s okay, Rhyder, really. I know I’m not much to look at. You probably have lots of women lined up who are gorgeous, and me, well…” I trail off while looking down at the ground not wanting to see his reaction. “Who am I? I’m just a plain—”
My mouth is snapped shut because just like that, he takes the few steps between us and slams his mouth to mine in a kiss that has me lost for damn words. His tongue comes out and tangles with mine, and I feel the kiss all the way to my toes. He tastes like beer and mint and all man, a taste that’s going to be in my mouth for days to come.
Rhyder’s hands cradle the back of my head, and one leaves to travel down my back to the curve above my butt. I can’t think of anything else but him. I should be scared out of my brain, terrified after everything I’ve been through, but if I am being honest with myself, I’ve never felt so safe and alive at the same time.
I moan in his mouth as he sneaks his tongue out to trace my lips, and then just as quick as it began, he ends the kiss and pulls back. We both stand there facing each other breathless as if we’ve just run a marathon. His eyes cause my nipples to harden as they take me in. I want to kiss him again but know he’ll probably turn me down. I can tell he’s fighting with himself, he wants me. I can damn well feel that, but he doesn’t want to take advantage of me.
God, he was the one who saved me that night. Of course, he wouldn’t want to kiss me.
Am I a slut for wanting him to take advantage of me?
What the hell am I thinking?
I need to get my mind in order, so I take a step toward him, and his eyes widen. “It’s okay, I’m not going to kiss you.” Rhyder smiles, and I have to admit, it’s the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen. “Thank you for getting me home safely.” He nods. “I’m going to go now, it’s been a long night.” I go to turn away again, but I stop when he says, “Lexi?”
“I’m goin’ away for a few days…”
My heart sinks with the thought that I won’t see him for a while. I mean, it’s not as if we’ve been going out on dates, but I’ve seen him watching me, and I like having my own personal bodyguard. But now he’s telling me he’s going to be away, so I will need to be careful.