“Please, Lex, will you promise me somethin’?”

Unsure of what he wants from me, I reply, “Sure.”

He runs his fingers through his hair. “Don’t go out on your own while I’m away.”

I smile at him. He’s so sweet to be worried about me. “I won’t.”

“You promise?” he asks, taking a step forward.

“I promise,” I repeat.

“Give me your cell.”

I frown. “Why?”

“I’m goin’ to give you my number, just in case you need me while I’m away.”

“It’s fine, I’ll be okay.”

“Your cell, Lexi,” he demands.

I grab my cell from my pocket and hand it to him.

Rhyder dials something, then I hear his phone ring. He checks it and hands me back mine. “Now you have my number, and I have yours.”

I accept my cell from his hand, and when I do, he grabs my wrist and pulls me into him, lacing a strand of my hair behind my ear while his eyes are glued to my lips. The touch feels intimate, and I feel my stomach flip. Boy, were my parents wrong about these bikers because this one right here is the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.

Rhyder leans in and kisses me on my forehead and whispers, “I’ll see you when I get back.”

I smile. “Is that right? And what makes you think I want to see you?” I tease.

“Oh, you want to see me, baby.” His voice sounds husky and deep, and I can’t help but feel tingles shoot throughout my entire body.

“We’ll see,” I reply, then turn around and make my way to my house. Once I’m at the driveway, I take one last glance at him before he straddles his bike and starts the engine. I watch him as he takes off into the night, turns the corner, and is now out of sight.

I can’t believe I just kissed him!

What a weird night this turned out to be.

Opening the front door, I hear the television in the living room. I notice my mom on the couch watching a movie with Paige. Well, my mom is watching a movie, but Paige is asleep with her head on my mom’s lap.

“How was your night?” my mom whispers, turning down the volume when she notices me.

I smile, remembering my kiss with Rhyder. “It was good.”

“I’m glad, honey.”

“Need some help with Paige, Mom?” I ask, knowing she’ll need assistance getting Paige up the stairs.

A very sleeping voice sounds out, “It’s okay, I’m awake.”

Page sits up on the couch and yawns. She’s sixteen years old and in her sophomore year. I’m going to miss her so much when I leave and go to medical school. Even though she can be annoying sometimes, she’s still my sister, and I’d do anything for her.

“Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you to bed,” Mom says while switching off the television and helping Paige up. I turn off the lights as we make our way upstairs to our bedrooms. I kiss Mom and Paige goodnight, head into my bedroom where I shut the door and lean up against it. I bring my hand up to my lips, still feeling Rhyder’s hard kiss tingling against them.

I’ve kissed boys before, but this was different. This wasthekiss, the kiss that has me weak at the knees and all giddy.

What just happened?