I laugh then. “She’s gonna be pissed, man.”

He smirks. “I don’t mind Jasmine being pissed, just gives me an excuse to make it up to her in bed.”

“Oh, man. I gotta be there to watch her face when she sees you there.”

“You know you’re coming, bro,” he teases; he knows me too well.

“You boys have your balls in your women’s purses, can you hear yourselves right now?”

Prez and I laugh at the same time, then Prez says to Tate, “Just you wait till you find the one, then come and talk to me.”

“Ain’t never gonna happen, brother.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I tease. “It’s gonna happen. Look at your brother—every time his phone rings, he’s out of the room and talking to his woman, like a dog on a leash.”

“What’s that?” Tracker asks, walking out from the garage.

Quill taps Tracker on the back. “Nothing, bro, just talking about your woman.”

Tracker shakes his head. “Now why do you keep having to bring up Sophia?”

“Sophia, baby, you called? Sophia, baby, you all right?” I tease.

Tracker swipes at the back of my head. “Shut the fuck up, man. I don’t talk like that.”

I nod, and Prez says, “Yeah, you do, brother.”

We all burst out laughing, then Tate asks, “When you gonna let this Sophia girl meet your boys?”

“When I’m good and ready, man.”

I turn to him. “What’s holding you back, bro. Seriously?”

He sighs, taking a swig of the beer he brought out with him. “Sophia’s different, she’s not like your women?”

“What, she got two heads or something?” Tate teases, and we all burst out laughing.

“Nah, it’s not like that, it’s just… she’s rich, bro, brought up in a town where everyone knows your name. She was a cheerleader in school, and she’s just never seen a clubhouse before. Just not sure how she’ll react.”

“She knows you’re part of a club, yeah?” I ask.

“Yeah, she knows, but I’m just not sure what she thinks a club is.”

“Oh, man, bring her down. You’re crazy about her, you gotta be blind not to notice that.”

He takes another swig. “Yeah, you’re right, I will.”

“Make it soon, yeah?” Prez says. “Gotta be honest with her, man.”

He nods.

“Hey, you invitin’ her to Charity and Trigger’s wedding?” Prez asks,

“Was thinking about it.”

“Do it,” I state. “Don’t think too much on it, bro. If you want her in your life, it’s time to show her what that life is all about.”

We all agree, then start talking about Tate’s run, and all the guns and ammo he’s getting.