What the fuck just happened?
This was supposed to be a good day. A day for us to reconnect. And now? Well, I’m a fuckin’ idiot for thinking that if I came clean about Katie, we could have a fresh start. I never thought she’d react like that, but now I think about it, what did I expect? I’m a fuckin’ asshole for thinking she would be fine with me being with another woman the night she left. Seriously, what was I thinking?
I watch her hail a cab and leave. I can’t lose her, not again, not after everything we’ve been through. I won’t let her check out on me, not ever again.
I make my way to my bike and straddle it, and rather than go to our house, I ride to the clubhouse, giving Tess a chance to calm down. She probably just needs some time out, and I’ll give her that.
I make my way to the clubhouse and park my bike. I notice that a few other bikes are around, and Tate’s standing at the front of the garage with Quill.
“Hey, brother,” I greet them, as I make my way over. Tate turns around and shakes my hand. “What’s brought you down here?”
“Nothin’, man, we were just on a run, thought we’d come here and personally thank you boys for finding Luke’s sister, Amy.”
I nod, then Tate asks, “How’s your woman? She doin’ okay? I’m sorry about what went down with her.”
My chest tightens at the mention of Tess, but I just say, “Appreciate that, man.” Then I change the subject. “So, what run you on?”
He smirks. “You know you don’t wanna hear about that—you know, with your club being all legit and shit.”
I look at Prez, who’s smiling. “Hey, don’t give us shit because we do things our own way.”
“Just remember who got you the guns for what went down at the warehouse.”
I look at Prez. “Is that where all that ammo came from?”
Quill smirks. “Yeah, brother.”
“Please say we’re keeping the guns? After what went down, I think we need to start stocking up, Prez. With all that’s gone on in the last couple of years, I think we need to keep on it.”
Prez eyes me. “That’s exactly why I’ve got Tate here doing business, to get us some more weapons. It’s occurred to me that we need to be protected at all times.”
“Glad to hear it.”
Prez nods, then his eyes turn serious. “How’s Tess doin’?”
“She’s getting there,” I reply, running my hand through my hair.
Quill watches me for a moment and then nods again.
Tate places his hand on my shoulder. “If you need anything, bro, we’re here for you. Amy keeps saying she wants to see Tess, to thank her, you think she’s up for that?”
I smile, ignoring the ache in my chest. “Yeah, man, she talks about them all the time. That would be nice.”
“Well let’s arrange it, then,” he says, slapping my back.
“Cool, I’ll talk to Tess and we’ll sort somethin’ out.”
“I heard the girls are going out tonight,” Prez says, flashing me a grin. “Jasmine’s already got a babysitter.”
“Aren’t you gonna be looking after the kids?” I ask.
“Are you fuckin’ crazy? Four hot-as-hell women going out to a bar without their men? Ain’t happenin’ on my watch.”
“What? You saying you’re going too.”
“Now did I say that?” he says, dropping me a wink. “Let’s just say that Jasmine doesn’t know that we, brother, might be there for a drink too.”