I take another sip of my drink, and Jasmine does the same. “Just dinner, and maybe a drink or two,” she teases, her eyebrows dancing. “You know you want to.”
She faces me on the couch and starts poking me, making me giggle. “Stop it, I’m going to drop this.”
“Say you’ll come.”
“Who’s gonna be there?”
“I’ll call the girls. Luisa won’t say no, and I’m sure Charity will come too, especially if it gives her a chance to talk about her wedding.”
I groan. “Shoot, I totally forgot. I’ve been such a bad friend.”
“No, you haven’t, you’ve had shit going on. If you come tonight, you can make it up to her.”
Jasmine waggles her eyebrows again, and I want to laugh, but first…. “And Lu? She must hate me, after I lied to her and ran out of the café. I still haven’t explained why I did that.”
“Don’t worry about Lu, I’m sure she understands. Come on, come with us, let’s let our hair down for a night. God knows I could do with a child-free night.”
This time I do smile at Jasmine. “It does sound like fun.”
“See, I told you,” Jasmine says, leaning in and giving me a quick hug. “Okay, I gotta go tell the girls, I’ll pick you up at eight.” She kisses my cheek and heads to the door, calling over her shoulder, “This is going to be great,” before she opens the door and shuts it behind her.
Oh God. What have I done?