
Itake a deep breath before I open the door. I know that there’s no reason to be nervous around Jasmine, but she knows what I’ve been through with Viper. Plus, I’m worried how she’s feeling now that she’s learned I’m not really Tess, and that I was brought up by another biker club, my father the President and the VP my husband. How will she feel knowing that all along, the whole time I lived with them under the same roof, I lied to them all.

I guess there’s no time like the present to find out.

I unlock the door, remove the safety chain, and open the door wide. Jasmine squeals when she sees me and rushes in to give me a hug. “Oh, Tess, I’ve missed you.” She leans back and looks closely at me. “You look really good.”

“Thanks, Jazz. Wanna come in?”

“Sure. Here, I brought you this.” She holds up a bottle of vodka.

“You know me so well,” I say, smiling and holding out my hand to take it from her. When Jasmine enters, I close the door then walk behind her to the kitchen. I place the bottle of vodka in the freezer, then turn around to see Jasmine look around the room before heading for the sliding door that leads out onto the deck. “Can I get you a coffee, tea?”

Jasmine turns and flashes me a smile before going back to the view outside. “No, I’m all good. Thanks, hon. But seriously, oh my God, it’s so beautiful here! I’m, like, seriously jealous.”

I giggle. “I know, right? It’s breathtaking, every day I find myself out there just staring at the ocean, nothing else.”

Jasmine looks at me over her shoulder, warmth shining from her eyes. “Did I tell you I’ve missed you?”

Laughing, I walk over to stand beside her and gaze at the ocean through the glass. “Yeah, you have…. Jasmine, I need to apologize.”

Her head snaps toward me. “What on earth do you need to apologize for?”

I swallow hard, gaining the courage to speak. “I have to apologize because I wasn’t honest with you, or anyone else for that matter.”

Jasmine waves her hand in the air. “Oh please, Tess, we all know you had your reasons. Forget about it. It’s nothing, honestly.”

I let out a deep, relieved sigh. “Come sit with me, tell me what I’ve missed out on.”

“There’s not much,” she explains, walking behind me toward the couch. She takes a seat on the chair opposite me, tucking her legs up and settling in.

“How are the kids?”

Jasmine rolls her eyes. “Well, Jack is crazy as usual, always taking things out of Rose’s hands, so all day long she screams at him.” I laugh out loud, knowing exactly what she means.” Jack thinks because he’s older, he can choose what he wants to play with, and that he gets first choice because he’s the big brother. But Rose holds her own. And when I tell Quill that he needs to have a word to Jack about sharing with his sister, he just says to him, ‘Now be a good boy, Jack, and share with Rose.’ I mean, come on, as soon as Quill turns his back, he’s at it again. I tell you, the highlight of my day is when they are finally in bed.” She sighs, laying back and resting her head on the back of the couch.

“I think most parents have that problem, some kids just don't like sharing. And Jack is older, he’s trying to prove to Rose that he’s calling the shots.”

“I know…. But, Tess, how many times do I need to tell him that he’s not the parent, and that he needs to share.”

“He will change,” I say, smiling. “It’s just a phase.”

“Boy, I hope you’re right.”

Blaze walks out of the bedroom, dressed in denim jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms, his cut over the top of it. His hair’s still wet from the shower, and when he passes me to kiss Jasmine on the cheek to say hello, his scent tickles my senses. Memories of us together in bed come to mind, and how I’ve always loved his smell, that scent in particular, and he knows it, too. He’s probably just trying to tease me a little by putting it on.

Are you going somewhere?” I ask as he grabs his keys from a bench in the kitchen.

“I’ve gotta meet the boys, I’ll be back later for that ride I promised you.”

I smile at him, and he walks toward me, leans down, and kisses me softly on my lips, lingering for a few seconds. Then all too soon, he’s standing, saying “I’ll be back soon,” as he walks toward the front door.

I watch as he leaves and closes the door behind him. Why does his ass have to look so hot in those jeans?

Jasmine giggles, and I turn to face her. “What’s so funny.”

“You’ve got it bad.”

“Um… got what bad?”