“Sorry, Blaze, but I had clients, and I’ve been figuring out whether to call you or not.”
“What the hell. Why wouldn’t you call me?”
“Because, man, she told me what you said to her, and that you didn’t want anything to do with her. Excuse me if I didn’t call you right away.”
“Listen here, dick, she never told me what he did to her. If she did….” My voice breaks as I run my hand through my hair. “Fuck!”
The other end of the phone is quiet, and then he speaks up. “This may not be my place, man, but have you thought that maybe she didn’t tell you because you never gave her a chance to explain? She loves you, Blaze. It wouldn’t have been an easy thing to say. God, to think she was married to that guy….”
“But we were in love! Fuck me, but I asked her to marry me. Why couldn’t she trust me?” I sink onto the edge of the bed.
“I know, and I’m not going to apologize for her, because that was a shit thing to do. But what I do know is that Tess wouldn’t have lied if she wasn’t protecting you and the club. Viper… well, he’s all kinds of fucked-up, and he’s warned her that if she doesn’t go back to him, he was going to do some damage—and when I say damage, I mean kill you and everyone in the club. He’s unhinged, man. I think he’d seriously do it.”
I shut my eyes, imagining Tess back with Viper, him laying a hand on her. Then my mind goes to her naked and under him, crying as he thrusts into her—fuckfuckfuck!
“I gotta go,” I state, and end the call without giving Jeff a chance to respond. I gotta get her the fuck out of there, but first I gotta convince Prez that I’m the one who needs to go in tonight, not Tracker.