It’s 10:00 a.m. and he still hasn’t called. So much for only one night of leaving me alone. I thought he was desperate to see me—if he was, then why isn’t he banging down Jeff’s door?
Jeff went into Ink Me today. I couldn’t do it, but luckily I only had a couple of clients that Jeff could take over for me, because I wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on anything other than what’s happening in my life right now. I still don’t know what I’m going to say to Blaze, or how I’m going to explain my past to him, but right now my head is a mess. If I tell Blaze I’m married to the VP of the Forseekers, and that I’ve been lying to him this whole time, then I’ll lose him. If I leave quietly and go back with Viper, then he will never know the truth. I’ll still lose him, but maybe it would be the better option—I won’t have to see the hurt or disappointment in his eyes when I tell him everything. This way, I can leave and never look back.
I know it’s harder said than done, but I’d be protecting him, and the memory of us. With a tear rolling down my face, I finish my coffee and walk over to the sink to wash my mug. A ringtone sounds throughout the apartment, and at first I ignore it because it’s not my specific ringtone. Maybe Jeff left his phone here. But then I recall Viper giving me a phone, one that he said I must answer or else he’ll hurt Blaze.
I sprint for the spare bedroom that Jeff made up for me last night and follow the sound of the phone. Finally I find it in the back pocket of my jeans, and with my hands trembling, I hit Accept and answer it.
The familiar sound of Viper’s voice travels through the phone. A voice that still makes me squirm.
“Hello, wifey, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to pick up.”
“Ah… sorry… I was just….”
“You were what? Fucking that biker?”
I sink to the bed on shaky legs and feel the rapid thump of my heart as I press my hand to my chest. “What do you want?” I manage to say, the sound of his voice sending a chill through my entire body.
“What do I want?” he repeats, his sarcastic laugh coming through like nails on a chalkboard. “Oh, Teresa, I haven’t even begun to explain what I want. But don’t you worry, you will find out, because I will show you exactly what I want—and soon.”
I grab a pillow from the head of the bed and place it on my lap and squeeze it tight, knowing exactly what he wants to show me.
“Listen, Teresa, listen very carefully. I’m going to text you an address, and I want you to meet me there tonight. Do you understand, Teresa? Tonight!”
My breath hitches at the back of my throat, and my palms are all sweaty, as thoughts of being alone with Viper enter my mind.
“What about my dad? Where is he?”
Viper’s laugh again makes me shudder. “Oh, that’s right, you’re a selfish daughter, too. You don’t that know your old man has had to step down from being president because of his heart, do you? That’s right, Teresa, guess who’s president now?”
Dad has heart issues? Part of me feels sorry for him, and a little guilty for leaving him. But then I remember exactly what sort of father he was, and the guilt washes away. I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to hold back what I really want to say. “You?” I manage to squeak out around the lump in my throat.
“That’s right…. You’re now married to a president,” he spits out, pride lacing his voice.
“Does my dad know where I am?” I ask as I get up from the bed, the pillow hitting the floor, and begin to pace, trying to think of a plan as to how I can get out of this situation. It’s too soon, I can’t see him tonight.
“I haven’t told him yet, I wanted to surprise him, and that I will. Our business here in New York is finished, so we’re heading home in a couple of days, and you, wifey, will be coming with me. So you better get your ass to the address I’m going to text you, or I will come looking for you, and I know exactly where to start.”
Tears spring to my eyes as I think about the Blood Brothers clubhouse, how it’s been a home to me for the last two years, and now, I’m going to have to leave it—and Blaze—so that I can protect them all.
“Teresa, are you listening?” he shouts.
I stop pacing and reply, “I need some more time,” thinking about Ink Me and leaving all that behind. Not to mention having to go get some of my things from the clubhouse.
“Tonight, Teresa, you hear me?”
Not wanting to anger him, I agree. “I’m listening, I’ll be there,” I say on a whisper.
“Good girl, see you tonight, baby.”
I don’t reply, just disconnect the phone and stare at the screen, lost in my thoughts. A buzz comes from the phone and it vibrates in my hand—it’s a text from Viper: Meet me at 2 Shirby Drive, it’s an old warehouse down a dirt road. 7pm sharp. DON’T BE FUCKIN LATE.
I swallow hard and throw the phone on the bed, thinking about Ink Me and how I’ll never work there anymore, or see Jeff, who’s become a really good friend. I think of the clubhouse and Luisa, Jasmine, and their kids. Charity, and all the boys I’ll miss. I need more time… time to arrange things, but I don’t have it.
I do need to get some of my things from the clubhouse, which means I’ll most likely run into Blaze. I’m going to have to play it cool, act like I’m breaking up with him or something. Anything to make sure he’s safe.
With that plan in mind, I grab my clothes and head to the shower.