He turns and picks up his beer, taking another swig, still looking at me intently. “I’m assuming you want intel ASAP.”

I bring my bottle up to my lips and swallow the remainder of the beer in it. “As soon as you can, I need to know what she’s hiding.”

“What makes you think she’s hiding anything?”

“Just a gut feelin’, that’s all,” I reply. “So, you’ll do it?”

“Yeah, man, anything for a brother. Just one thing, though.”

I tense at Tracker’s serious tone. “Yeah?”

“If she finds out you did this…. There may be no turning back, man.”

I feel my heart ache at his words, because it’s true, I know this could end us. Tess would never forgive me for doing this if she ever found out, it means I don’t trust her. But she’s also given me no choice, I have to do this.

I nod at Tracker, my voice thick with emotion when I say, “I know, brother. Just do it.”

He nods back at me. “Give me a day.”
