“This ain’t good, Prez. What’s our part in all of this?”
He sighs and scratches his jaw. “I told Tate that we’d help his club find this girl. I’ve got Tracker working his magic on finding out exactly who the Forseekers are, and let me tell you, from what I know so far, they’re not a club you want to mess with. Their VP, Viper, is crazy as shit, just got out of jail five months ago for stabbing a guy because he hit his bike when he was parking his truck. It was an accident, but Viper lost his shit and pulled the guy from his truck and stabbed him.”
”Fuck!” I grunt, the word blowing out of my mouth. I sit up in my chair. “And the president?”
“Mean fucker,” Tracker interrupts. “Not much better than the VP. In fact, the VP runs the show these days—the prez is not in good shape, had a heart attack a few months back, and ever since Viper’s been out of jail, he’s been acting president.”
I widen my eyes. A crazy fucker as president? That’s all we need.
“Anything else?” I ask. “He married?”
“According to what I could find out, he married the president’s daughter, but she’s been missing for a couple of years.”
I sit up straight in my chair and link my hands together in front of me. “You think he killed her?”
Tracker shrugs. “Not much I can find out about her. Only that her name is Teresa, and she’s an only child. Her mom died in childbirth.”
I nod then look over at Prez and open my hands. “So what’s the plan?”
“I’ve got Tracker here trying to find out exactly where they are. We’ve got eyes on the clubhouse and it’s empty, from what the prospects tell me. Just a couple of men patrolling the gates. If it was them who took the girl, then they could still be around.”
“What you want me to do, Prez?” I ask.
“You go down to Mike’s Bar, take Rhyder with you, and find out if he’s seen any bikers come through. Trigger, take a couple of men with you and ride around town, checking out motels. See if you can find bikes parked around any of them.” Trigger nods, and Prez continues. “I want all eyes and ears open. You find out anything, you call me. I’m gonna work with Tracker to see what else we can find.”
I look at Tracker; I need to grab him before I leave.
“Church is out,” Prez declares, slamming the gavel down.