Before I can get out, Lu holds me back with her hand on mine. Her eyes are shining brightly. “I mean it, Tess. If there’s ever a time you need to talk, I’m all ears.”

I lean in and hug her. “Thanks, Lu, but I’m good.”

She looks at me for a while, her gaze questioning, but she doesn’t push me. Instead she opens her door, saying, “Okay then, let’s get our shop on.”

I laugh out loud and reply, “Let’s do it.”

* * *

After three hours of shopping, our hands full of bags, I suggest it’s time for a coffee break. Luisa agrees, so we walk back to the car and stow all our bags in the trunk. I wasn’t expecting to buy anything, but when I saw there were sales, I couldn’t help myself. I picked up some new tops for work, a few pairs of jeans, and a dress that looked hot on—and not to mention some killer heels that went with the dress.

Luisa said that there’s no way Blaze could resist me in it, and she’s right, although I could be wearing a sack and Blaze would still want to fuck me. I love that about him. He says he gets hard just from watching me from across a room. I won’t lie, when I see him working on his bike with sweat travelling down his bare chest and engine grease smeared all over his skin, it does things to me. Blaze showered and dressed in jeans and his cut is hot, too. I mean, the man is simply sex on legs.

I feel sorry for all the women who throw themselves at him, and they don’t care that I’m by his side, it doesn’t stop them from suggestively touching him. Any excuse really to get their hands on him. It only makes me want him more. He usually pulls me to his side, grasps my face in his palms and kisses me hard, to prove to them that I’m his woman. The glares I receive when he tells them I’m all the woman he can handle makes me laugh. These days, it seems some women have no shame. I mean, can’t they see that I’m with him? The guy has his arm draped around my lower back, is nuzzling into my neck and looking at me with love in his eyes, and they still try to pick him up. I should be jealous, but I’m not. I trust Blaze because I know how much he loves me. But will my lie ruin what he and I have?

Placing my last bag in the trunk, a cold shiver runs down my spine, like someone is watching me. I quickly look around and shut the trunk when Luisa finishes adding her bags to the pile in there. “Hey, you okay? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” Luisa says, putting her hand on my arm.

I keep looking around at the busy streets. I feel eyes on me, but I can’t see anyone who looks suspicious. “I’m okay, I think someone just walked over my grave,” I explain. “Come on, let’s go to that café.” I point to one on a nearby corner.

We walk in and take a seat at the nearest table. A waitress brings over a menu and pours us both a glass of cold water. I hand back the menu to her. “Thanks, it all looks good, but just a coffee for me, with cream and sugar.”

“And for you, miss?”

“Is it bad that I’m craving french fries right now?” Lu blurts.

I laugh, she was just telling me back in the changing room how she started a diet this week, eating healthier to try to get back into her prebaby size. “Just have them, Lu. I’m sure you’ve already worked off the calories with all the walking we’ve done today.”

“Now that’s true! French fries, please, and black coffee.”

“Sure thing, I’ll just place that order for you,” the waitress says cheerfully, grabbing Luisa’s menu and walking away.

“How do you do it?”

I sit back in my chair, curious about what she means. “Do what?”

“Stay thin and gorgeous.”

I shake my head. “I’m not thin, Lu.”

“You’re hot, Tess. You’re so lucky you have a body like that,” she says, waving her hand at me.

I feel my cheeks heat, embarrassed at her compliments. “Oh please”—I roll my eyes—“my butt’s too big and my hips are huge,” I complain.

“No way. Men love a woman with curves.”

“If that’s the case, then why are you trying to lose weight?”

“Because, silly, I have a belly now, and I need to get rid of it.” She looks around, cautious of people listening in, then ducks her head a little and whispers, “Before the twins, I used to love riding Hawke.”

I choke on the water I just took a sip of. I also look around to make sure no one is listening in on our conversation. “And now?”

“And now, I’m too worried that he can see my belly. I feel self-conscious every time. So I tell him I like him on top.”

I frown. “Oh, Lu, you’re just plain crazy. Hawke loves you, even if you do have a belly. You’re a mom now, so be proud of that belly—it homed twins.”

She smiles then. “Yeah, it did,” she agrees, and we both burst out laughing.

Our coffees and fries get delivered, and we sit there chatting about the twins, and how Trigger’s soon to be a married man. She brings up Blaze now and then, but I change the subject, not wanting to think or talk about him; it just hurts too much, and I’m worried I’ll burst out crying.