Page 13 of Always and Forever

Jasmine is fast asleep, and I watch her for a moment as she takes long, even breaths in her slumber. Gently moving her hair out of her face, I lean down and kiss her cheek, still not able to believe she’s my wife. I reach out to the couch and grab the throw that’s there and cover her with it.

Hearing my phone buzzing, I get up and check the pockets of my pants. When I see Hawke’s name on the screen, I answer with no hesitation. “Where the fuck are you, man?” I growl through the phone, but then quieten down when I remember Jasmine is sleeping.

I hear Hawke sigh. “I had to leave, I’ll explain everything to you when you’re back.”

“Don’t fucking give me this shit. I want to know now!” I demand, and begin to pace the room. Jasmine stirs in her sleep, and I run my hand through my hair in frustration, hating that my best friend, and VP, is keeping shit from me.

“Quill, believe me, I need to talk to you in person.”

“Quill? You okay,” Jasmine asks sleepily, leaning up on her elbows. She looks so damn cute. Already wanting her again, I sit down beside her and peck her lips, smiling.

“Tomorrow, then,” I say through the phone.

“Wait, what? Aren’t you going on your honeymoon to the beach house tomorrow?” Hawke questions.

My eyes look into Jasmine’s, but she’s not pissed; she looks worried. I cup her cheek and whisper, “It’s okay, baby, get some rest.”

I look away from her and focus on the conversation with Hawke. “Yeah, that was the idea, brother. But something tells me whatever you’re not telling me is important.” I know Hawke, and whatever’s going on with him must be fucking important for him to up and leave my wedding.

“Quill! Jasmine’s gonna break your balls if you don’t go away. She deserves a honeymoon, man.”

I look back at Jasmine. Her eyes are still on me, concern laced through their stunning emerald depths.

“I’m not saying she won’t get one.” I reach out and tuck a few strands of Jasmine’s hair behind her ear. “I’m just saying it’s gonna be a little delayed,” I explain further. “She’ll understand.” I smile at Jasmine.

“Understand what?” she asks.

“Hey, babe, go back to sleep. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“No, tell me now. I want to know.”

Fuck, I can’t do this right now.

“Fucking hell, you’re already disobeying your husband? Wasn’t that one of your vows?” I ask, trying to inject some humor to lighten the situation. I hear Hawke laughing on the other end of the line. But I don’t have much time to listen to what he’s saying because Jasmine drops the throw covering her body and leans down, taking me into her mouth again.

“Hawke, brother,” I pant. “I gotta go deal with her.”

He chuckles. “Sure, brother, you go. Oh, and good luck.”

I slap Jasmine’s ass as I end the call, and she gasps in surprise at the unexpected stinging sensation, but then I have her moaning as I slide my hand over her ass and enter a finger into her wet heat. In one swift movement I get up off the floor and lift her up with me, bridal-style. She squeals as I begin to storm my way up the stairs to the main bedroom. “Quill, what are you doing?”

“I made love to my wife in front of the fire, now I’m fucking her in bed, biker-style.”

She laughs as I take the final step, and then enter the room.

“Oh my God, Quill. Did you do this for me?”

I let her body slide down mine, and cup her face. “Yes, baby, I did. My plan was to bring you up here as soon as we arrived, but when you gave me that look, begging me to fuck you—and the way the firelight glowed on your skin—all was forgotten but being inside you.”

“Oh, Quill. I love you, thank you for doing this.”

I turn her around and embrace her, resting her head beneath my chin. The bed is covered in red rose petals, made into a heart shape, and chocolates and champagne rest in the center of them. Kissing her bare shoulder, I unwrap my arms and entwine my fingers with hers, leading her to the bed. Once we reach the end of it, I lift her high and stand her on top of the mattress so she’s facing me. Running my hands over her silken skin, I place a featherlike kiss on her pussy before walking over to the side of the bed, and open the champagne bottle. Pouring us each a glass, I walk back over and hand her one.

She frowns. “I probably shouldn’t,” she says rubbing her stomach.

“Babe, it’s non-alcoholic. I got it especially for tonight, I promise.”

Smiling, she takes a glass out of my hand and sits down on the bed, crossing her legs. I raise my glass to her. “To us and our unborn child.”