Page 39 of Taming Hawke

A warms smile graces her lips. “Yes, I believe you. I love you too, Reece.”

I pull her to me using her arms, bringing her face close to mine.

“You trust me, don’t you?”

She looks away and I pull on her chin, bringing her eyes back to me.

“Don’t you?” I repeat.

She nods and a tear rolls down her cheek. I lick it away, tasting salt on my tongue.

She sighs. “I do.”

“Can you trust me enough to know I would never cheat on you, or hurt you in any way?”


“Shush, baby. Just answer the question.”

“Yes, I know that.”

I bring Lu’s face closer so I have her full attention. “I love you, Lu, only you. I would never want to fuck up what we have. I don’t want to lose you. I’m never letting go, so don’t try to run. I may have given you some time, just this once, but next time I will drag this ass back here. You got me?” I squeeze her buttcheek before letting it go.

“I can always run again.”

“Just try it and you’ll see what happens,” I say with a wink, then straighten my face, all seriousness.

She laughs out loud and I feel my cock stir against her heat. Her eyes widen. “Again?”

“Yes, again. I want you on your stomach. It’s time to claim that hot ass of yours.”