Page 51 of Taming Hawke


“Coming!” I shout, and gently remove Luisa’s hand from around my stomach to answer the door to our hotel room. Jasmine’s mom and dad had offered to have us stay at their home, but we wanted to give Jasmine and Quill some privacy. And to be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about fucking Luisa at Jasmine’s folks’ house. The woman likes to scream.

“Where are you going?” Luisa asks sleepily. Her eyes are still shut, and she doesn’t wait for me to answer before she’s cuddling my pillow and falling asleep again.

Another knock.

I shove the door open, not caring that I’m butt naked, and my eyes widen when I see Jasmine.

“Hawke, put some clothes on,” she whines, placing a hand over her eyes.

“Why? Don’t act like you don’t wanna see it.”

“Hawke, please. I’m going to have nightmares after this.”

“Nightmares? More like wet dreams.”

“You wish,” Jasmine jokes, and removes her hand from her face, walking under my arm and into our room.

“Come in why don’t you,” I say sarcastically.

She turns to face me, her cheeks flushing when her gaze moves down my body and lands on my cock, before quickly shifting to the ceiling.

“For the love of God, Hawke, put on some clothes!” Luisa yells from the bed, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

I grab my jeans from a chair beside the bed and pull them on. My phone slips out from a pocket and I pick it up, checking it for messages. I see three missed calls from Josie and curse under my breath.

“What was that, Hawke?” Jasmine asks.

I turn to face her, trying to conceal the sudden anger I’m feeling at the missed calls. Josie just won’t leave me the fuck alone.

“Jasmine, what are you doing here this early?” Luisa interrupts as she grabs the clock from the bedside table. It’s 8:30 a.m.

Jasmine sinks onto the bed, twisting her hands in her lap. “I can’t sleep, Lu. I’m worried something’s going to go wrong. What if…?”

“Stop it,” Luisa says, putting a hand up to shush Jasmine. “Nothing’s gonna happen. Everything will be perfect.”

“Yeah, but….”

“No buts. You’re getting married tomorrow, and everything’s organized.”

“I know you’re right, I’m just… just so nervous.”

I walk up to Jasmine and squeeze her shoulder. “There’s nothing to be worried about, darlin’. Quill loves you, he would do anything to make sure you’re happy. And you love him, that’s all that matters,” I say in all seriousness.

Jasmine looks over her shoulder at me and arches her brow. “That’s actually kind of sweet.”

I rub my hand on my chest. “What can I say, I’m a sweet guy.”

“Oh, boy,” Luisa says rolling her eyes. “Here he goes, thinking he’s God’s gift to women.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Not God’s gift to women, sweetheart. Only yours.” I wink at Luisa, and she smiles at me and bites down on her bottom lip.

“I need to get out of here,” Jasmine says getting up from the bed. “I know that look.”

“What look?” Lu replies scrunching up her face, pretending to be all shocked and innocent.

“Like you don’t know. I’ll leave you two alone for now, but Lu, I’ll meet you in town at eleven to get the flowers organized for the wedding. They’ve told me they have plenty of red roses available to buy.”