“Is your mom or dad meeting you this evening?” he asks, wrapping his hand around the side of my neck while he drops his chin.
“I think Dad, but I’ll let you know.”
“Alright.” He opens my door and waits until I’m in my seat and buckled in before leaning in and touching his mouth to mine. “Love you.”
“Love you.” I smile to myself.
“I’ll follow you, then see you tonight.”
“Alright.” I get myself situated, then wait until he’s backed out of the driveway to pull out of the garage. When we get to the main road, I spot Star walking on the side of the road and honk my horn. Turning to look over her shoulder, she smiles and waves at me.
I glance in my mirror as I slow down and pull over to the shoulder, ignoring my phone that starts to ring
“Hey, Star.” I greet when she opens the door, and she beams at me.
“Hey, Olivia, thanks for stopping.”
“You’re welcome.” I glance in my rearview mirror and wave at Bax, who, even from a distance, looks pissed. Great. “How have you been?” I ask as my phone starts to ring again.
“Good, or great, actually. I should have my car back next week.”
“That’s exciting.” I smile over at her, and she looks down at the cupholder between us where I put my cell.
“Do you need to get that?”
“No, it’s my boyfriend. He’s behind us in the truck.”
Glancing behind us, she mumbles, “He doesn’t look very happy.”
“He’ll be okay,” I assure her.
“You haven’t come by to get some cookies.”
“Sorry, I’ve been so busy with work, but I will. Are you ready for Thanksgiving?”
“As ready as I can be, I have to work that morning for a couple of hours, but I’ll be off that afternoon to cook. Are you cooking?”
“Yeah, my mom and I are.” I flip on my turn signal when I’m almost to the grocery store. “Do you want me to just drop you out front again?”
“Please.” She unhooks her belt as I pull up to the door, and I wait, holding my breath as she shoves her door open. “Thanks again, Olivia.”
“You’re welcome. Have a good day.” I almost ask her if she has any newvibesfor me, but I’m scared to death she’ll say yes. I don’t know if I could handle hearing another warning from her and it possibly coming true.
“Later.” She slams the door, and I wave at her before she walks away. Then, I look in my rearview mirror at Bax, who doesn’t look any happier than he did a few minutes ago.
I drive out of the parking lot of the grocery store and head to the spa, finding a parking spot right out front. The moment I shut down the engine, a door slams close by hard enough to make me jump.
“Great,” I mutter under my breath, then look out my window up at Bax as he walks up to my door, grabbing the handle.
“First,” he says as soon as he has my door open. “Don’t ever fucking ignore my call when I’m calling you, Olivia,” he says quietly, but it’s the quiet in his tone that scares me more than the look on his face. And the look on his face is pretty fricking terrifying.
“Who was that?”
“That was Star,” I say calmly. “She works at the grocery store.”