“B&T Builders.”
“I’m not working for you and Talon.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“Because I don’t want a handout.” She sighs, and I rub the bridge of my nose. This is a thing with Nalia. She always thinks that if someone is helping her, it’s either a handout or a favor she’ll have to repay.
“We’re family, and me offering you that position is not me giving you a handout. You’re qualified—actually, more than qualified—and we need the help. You can take the job until you find something else. You’ll at least move here with a job and one less thing to worry about.”
“I’ll think about it,” she mumbles, and I grit my teeth.
“When are you coming?”
“I’m not sure. I saw Sharon yesterday and she agreed to sign over temporary custody of Zuri to me. But I need to talk to a lawyer and get that started.”
“Temporary custody?” I frown. “When is she thinking she’ll get out?”
“She thinks it won't be long, but—” She cuts herself off, then continues softly, “When I spoke to the police, they said there is no way she’s getting out in less than seven years with her history and the amount of drugs they found on her.”
“Her history?”
“This isn’t exactly the first time she’s been arrested recently,” she says quietly, almost like she’s scared of what my reaction might be.
“Pardon?” I whisper as I hear a vehicle coming down the dirt road behind me. “Why has she been arrested?”
“Drugs,” she says, then hurries to add, “It was only once before this, and she promised me that she was going to meetings and getting help.”
“What the fuck, Nalia? I thought she was clean.”
“She was… or I thought she was.”
“Yeah, and then she obviously wasn’t. You should have told us what’s been going on.”
“Why? So you guys could gang up on me and force me home? I have Zuri here. I couldn’t just leave her; she’s just a kid.”
“You’re right.” I turn to watch Talon park his truck. “When are you telling Mom and Dad?”
“After I talk to a lawyer about custody. I don’t want to talk to them until I have all my ducks in a row.”
“Talon just got here. Do you want me to tell him?”
“No. Please don’t tell anyone yet. I’ll call everyone and fill them in when I know for sure what’s going on.”
“All right,” I agree, not liking this at all. “Do you need anything—money, anything?”
“No, I’m okay, and Zuri has been staying with me since the first time Sharon was arrested, so we’re good. I’m just trying to navigate things in a way that she doesn’t feel this shift too much.”
“Okay, well, keep me in the loop, and let me know when you talk to the lawyer.”
“I will,” she agrees, then whispers, “Thanks for not being a dick.”
“We all love you. You know that.”
“I know,” she says quietly as Talon gets out of his truck. “I’ll call you as soon as I talk to a lawyer.”
“All right. Later, sis.”
“Yeah, later,” she replies, and I look over at Talon.