“We’ll wait for you,” I tell her, walking over to where my bag sits on top of the client fridge—one of the only things Julie didn’t take with her.
“You don’t need to wait for me.”
“We know, but we still will,” Holly tells her, moving from her chair to open the cabinet at the side of her desk, where she keeps her bag.
With a shake of her head that says we’re being ridiculous, Eva heads down the hall to her office while I put on my coat, and she comes back a couple of minutes later with her jacket on, shutting off lights as she walks toward the front of the spa. I hit the light switch next to the front door, and then we all wait on the sidewalk while she locks up.
“All right.” She turns to face us, lifting her keys with a grin. “All done. I’ll see you guys in the morning.”
“See you in the morning.” I smile at her, then accept a tight hug from Holly before they head to their cars, and I walk hand in hand with Bax to mine.
I hit the unlock button on my key fob halfway across the parking lot, and as my lights flash, a tingle slides down my spine, and I glance around. I don’t see anyone lurking in the shadows, but I would swear someone is watching us.
“You okay?” Bax asks, and I look up at him, finding concern etched into his handsome features.
“Yeah.” I shake off the feeling and smile, not wanting him to worry. “I’m just starving.”
“When we get home, I’ll feed you.” He dips his chin and touches his mouth to mine, then opens my door. When I’m in my seat, he waits until I’m buckled in, then orders, “Lock the doors.”
“Yes, sir.” I salute him, and he smiles before shutting my door.
Hitting the lock button, I start the engine, then wait for him to back out of his spot before I do the same, taking one more look around as I pull out of the lot with him right behind me. As I start down the dark two-lane street toward our neighborhood, I make sure to drive the speed limit. With an open field on one side and a forested area on the other, this road is known to have deer that regularly cross it, and the last thing I need is to hit one.
I’m so focused on the road that the sound of someone honking startles me, and my eyes fly to my rearview mirror just in time to see a small white car speed past Bax’s truck as another car coming from the opposite direction is close to passing me. At the very last moment, the white car swings between Bax and me, barely avoiding running head-on into the car in the other lane, which honks wildly at them as they pass by.
“Are you insane?” I yell at the top of my lungs even though they can’t hear me.
With their brights on, they speed up, getting right up on my bumper while honking their horn, slow down, and then speed back up again, coming close to hitting me. I hear my cell phone ring in my bag, and even though I’m pretty sure it’s Bax calling me, I can’t answer. Not without taking my eyes off the road or the driver behind me. And I would have to since I didn’t hook my phone up to the stereo system for this car.
With my heart racing, I start to slow, hoping they will go around me. It’s obvious they have no regard for my life or even their own.
After what feels like forever, they swing their car around mine and speed past. I try to get a glimpse of the person behind the wheel, but they are going so fast that I can’t make out any details about the driver except for the fact that they look white. With my heart firmly in my throat, I turn into our neighborhood and slowly drive toward Bax’s house.
My hands are shaking as I pull into his driveway, and I feel like I might vomit as I put my car in park, shut off the engine, and unhook my seat belt. As I’m opening my door, it’s ripped from my grasp, and I let out a squeak as I’m tugged out of my seat and wrapped firmly in Bax’s arms. His hold is so tight it’s difficult to even take a breath.
“Are you okay?” He leans away from me, grabbing my face in his hands, and all I can do is shake my head. “Fuck.” He lets my face go and pulls me back against his chest. “I should have fucking gone after them.”
That’s the last thing he should have done, so I’m glad he didn’t.
“I’m okay,” I finally get out, and I’m not sure if the words are for his benefit or mine. Probably both.
“Let's get you inside.” He lets me go, only to wrap his arm around me, and then he begins leading me toward the garage door that he must have opened without me noticing.
“I need to get my bag.”
“I’ll come back out for it in a minute.” He urges me through the garage, past my stuff, and then up the step to the door. The moment he opens the door, Gemma greets us with her tail wagging. I give her some love, then let him take my coat and usher me down the hall to the kitchen. He pulls out one of the stools at the island, tugs me over to take a seat, then goes to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of wine. Making quick work of opening it, he pours me a glass.
“Drink this.” He hands it to me. “I’m going to run out to get your stuff and my cell, so I can call the non-emergency line and tell them what happened.”
“Did you get a license plate number?”
“There was no license plate, but the cops might be able to track them down or at least be on the lookout for the car.”
“I hope so. They could have really hurt someone,” I say quietly as he stops at my side, touching his fingers to my cheek. When my eyes meet his, the rage I see in his gaze is terrifying.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
“Sure.” My eyes slide closed when he presses his lips to the top of my head, and by the time they open, he’s gone. Picking up my glass, I take a sip of wine, and as I’m swallowing, Star’s forgotten words from early this morning come back to me, and a shiver slides down my spine.