“Bowling Green. He checked into a hotel using his ID, and the clerk recognized his name.”
“Did you tell Olivia?” he asks as we both lift the dresser off the ground and carry it into the garage.
“I just tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. She should be here soon with your mom.”
Frowning at me, he shakes his head. “I talked to Mom about thirty minutes ago, and she was home.”
“I thought she was staying with Olivia at the bar.” I pull out my phone and dial Olivia again. When the call goes to voicemail, I hang up and dial again, and once more, it goes right to voicemail.
Fuck, I know she’s most likely okay, but even that knowledge does nothing to help ease the sudden tightness in my chest.
“Do you have any of her friends’ numbers?”
“No,” I mumble, distracted as I send her a text telling her to call me, which is going to do no fucking good if her phone is off.
“Let me try,” he says, and I watch him call her and see his brows dart together. “Her phone is off.” I want to say no shit but bite it back. “You wanna go look for her?”
I hesitate for a second, sure I’m being overprotective and paranoid, but I know I won’t be able to breathe until I see for myself that she’s alright. “Yeah, let me grab my coat.”
Once we get both dogs inside, he and I get into my truck and head towards Blues, the bar on the strip she was going to tonight. When we pull up, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see her car parked on the road out front.
“She’s here.”
“Let me out, and I’ll run in while you park,” Liam says, so I pull over, and he jumps out. I drive a little way down and parallel park, then get out and start toward the bar, but stop when Liam comes out.
“She’s not here.”
“That’s her rental,” I tell him, pointing at her car that is a few feet down the sidewalk, and he shakes his head. “She’s not in there. I even had a girl check in the bathroom for me.”
Looking up and down the sidewalk, I wonder where the fuck she could have gone. Except for a small hardware store and Blue’s, all the shops are closed for the night.
“Where the fuck could she be?” I mutter more to myself.
“I don’t know but, I’m going to run over and check the hardware store.”
I watch him jog off while I walk over to her rental; the doors are locked, and nothing is left inside. Walking to my truck, I debate calling Amy. I don’t want her to worry, but I also don’t know who else to fucking call who might know how to get ahold of her.
Pressing call, I swing the door open and slide in behind the steering wheel as the phone rings.
“Hey, is everything okay?” she asks on the third ring.
“I’m trying to get ahold of Olivia, but she’s not picking up, and she’s not at Blue’s.”
“What?” she asks, and I instantly hate the concern in her tone.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” I reassure her. “Cobi called me about thirty minutes ago and told me that they picked up Jack. I’m just trying to get ahold of Olivia.”
“I… We’ll, I left her with all the girls when Kourtney showed up. She said she would just have Kourtney follow her home since they were going to the same place.”
“Do you have any of their numbers?”
“I have Kourtney’s, I think. Give me a second.” The phone goes quiet. “I sent you it.”
“Thanks, Amy,” I say as my phone beeps.
“Call me back if you can’t get ahold of Kourtney.”