Wrapping his arms around my waist, Nick rests his chin on my stomach. “Why?”
“Because it’s past dinner.” I comb my fingers through his hair to fix the wayward strands.
Confusion bleeds through the connection. “It is?” He looks out his office window, where the night blots the sky.
“Yes.” I smooth my thumb across the wrinkle in his brow. “We spent almost all day having sex.”
“I… I didn’t realize.”
“I know. Neither did I. Which is why we need to talk to Doc. I want to visit with my mom soon, but I can’t when I can’t leave you for more than a few minutes at a time, or we can’t keep our hands to ourselves. When Jessica came in today to collect your newest toy designs, I was sitting on your lap. We were?—”
“She didn’t see anything,” he defends, cutting me off.
“I know. But she had to have known something was going on when we were both panting, and I was impaled on you.”
“But I used a blanket.”
This is true. We were in the middle of another messy sex session when Jessica knocked. Instead of stopping, Nick collected the blanket I use to nap in his office and carried us over to his chair, where he sat me on his cock, draped the fabric over us, and invited the elf inside.
“I know,” I concede with a sigh. “But Santa shouldn’t be having any kind of sex in front of his elves.”
“She needed the prints,” he argues, blinking up at me as if I’m scolding him when I’m not. I’m just trying to make him understand.
“I know,” I reply.
“And I needed you.” To cement his point, my sexy partner hugs me tighter and kisses my stomach.
“I know.” And I need him, too. I do. But this isn’t normal.
Releasing me, Nick sits back on his heels and massages the bridge of his nose. “I sound insane.”
“We both do, so we need to speak to Doc.”
“In the morning.”
“No. Now.”
“His practice is closed.”
“Not for us, it’s not. We don’t know when we’ll be clear-headed again to agree to go. Except now.” What if we wake up tomorrow and are so caught up in our obsession we can’t even get out of bed? What if this persists to the point that we forget it’s Christmas and Santa doesn’t deliver the gifts to all the boys and girls all over the world? That would be a disaster.
Sighing as if he hates this idea but is willing to compromise, Nick gets to his feet, pulls up his pants, and we're out the door in less than a minute, taking the elevator down to the ground floor. We keep our distance—at least an arm’s length away. The less we touch, the better. We don’t need any back-alley detours.
Pressing the after-hours buzzer outside of Doc’s, we wait. It isn’t long before Doc’s bright eyes greet us in surprise when he flips on the light and unlocks the front door so we can enter.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” The older elf waves for us to follow him through the red-and-white waiting room to Santa’s medical room.
Once inside, Doc flips on all the lights and dons his lab coat as I stand by the door, and Nick claims his Santa-sized seat.
Hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat, Doc approaches Nick. “How can I help?”
At a loss for words, the leader of the Pole looks over to me to explain.
“The last time we were here, you said to sleep together and have lots of sex. We’ve been doing that. But a few weeksago, things went from sex a few times a day to we can’t go an hour without it. My… bottom is wet all the time. Plus, we can smell each other,” I explain, growing more uncomfortable by the second.
Doc leans in to sniff Nick’s neck, and I step forward. He shouldn’t be sniffing my husband. He…