Page 7 of Santa & His Elf

“No, Pepper. Of course not.”

Pepper rubs his flat stomach. “I have a womb. That’s what you’re saying. To carry mini-Santas.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Doc placates and gestures to the exam table. “Why don’t you hop up, and I’ll do a simple ultrasound of your abdomen to see if anything has changed in there.”

“Nick.” Pepper begs me with wide, terrified eyes to do something, anything. But I can’t. I don’t know any more than they do. We need answers, and Doc is the most qualified to help.

“Go on,” I encourage him. “Let’s see. We both need to see. Okay?”

“Sure. See.” His voice quivers. “I can’t believe we’re...” Pepper squeezes his eyes shut briefly before opening them again and blowing out a harsh breath between cherry-red lips. “Is it…Is it crazy I wanna touch you right now?” He fidgets at his spot by the door as a stain forms on the front of his pajama bottoms. I try hard not to notice, but I’m far too aware of Pepper to miss the spot.

To ease Pepper’s concern for both of our sakes, I wave the nerve-ridden elf over. “Come here. Let me hold you for a minute while Doc gets things set up. Does that sound good to you, Doc?”

“Yes. Yes. Fine by me. Take your time.”

As if powered by Christmas morning joy, Pepper dives into my arms and wraps his around my neck. He buries his face in the side of my throat, legs straddling mine as he latches on. Our chests connect, breathing intertwines, and heartbeats sync. It feels good. Too good. Like resting on silk sheets, naked, drinking a mint hot chocolate after a long, relaxing shower. Perfect.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbles, his entire body trembling against mine.

Me. I’m oddly steady. No longer frazzled by the news. His body against mine eases the nerves and gives me balance—a purpose—a home.

This is my life now. We ate the fruit. He became my second. I get to venture into the unknown with Pepper by my side. Or on my lap, in the moment. Strangely enough, I’m okay with that. Doc’s explanation has somehow fit all the pieces of a puzzle I’ve been trying to slap together for months. Now that the picture is clear, I see what I have. I’m content. Happy, even. Albeit nervous, considering I’ve never touched another male sexually before or even wanted to until now. There’s bound to be bumps along the way, but we got this. We can take our time. There’s no rush.

Shaky fingers play at the nape of my neck. “You’re calm. How are you so calm?” Pepper whimpers.

“We know why we’ve been having these problems. The mystery is solved.” Had my father sat me down and explained how this works, we wouldn’t be in this situation.Much like parents have the birds and the bees talk with their children—our Christmas Giving Tree picking life mates would have been a good thing to know. When I write a Santa Handbook, like my father should have done hundreds of years ago, in case of an emergency, I will be certain to explain and add this—both the male and female versions —to avoid any confusion.

“We have to sleep together and have sex,” Pepper whispers, as if it’s a sin when it’s anything but.

I pat his back in reassurance. “I know.”

“I’m sorry.”

“What do you have to be sorry for?”

“That the tree picked me as your… partner. I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t.”

I trace my fingers up and down his spine to comfort him. “I’m glad it did.”

“You sure you wouldn’t have wanted a girl elf?”

My heart aches that he even thinks I’d ever want anyone else. “Over you? Never. Why would I want that?” The tree chose him for a reason, and while I may not know why, it’s not my place to question it.

“I don’t know,” Pepper mumbles.

“Do you wish you weren’t mine?”

“No.” He shakes his head against my shoulder. “I just feel these things all the time… and I don’t know what to do with it all. Then I get upset, and I blame you.”

“And turn into Krampus,” I tease.

“Yes,” he half-laughs, chest vibrating against mine. “I wish I’d known. It’s my job to take care of you, to make your job easier.”

“You have made my life easier.” For months, he’s taken my toy plans to the elves and ensured I had lunch. He’s keptmy cocoa supply filled and made sure nobody bothered me when I was in the zone. He’s been incredible.

“Nick?” Pepper whispers.
