Chewing my inner cheek for a moment, I decide to push a little further, knowing we haven’t spoken much about anything except the sex part because any time we are together, we’re… you know. This is the first time in days we’ve been able to spend any normal amount of time together without me ending up impaled on him. Not that I’m complaining. It just doesn’t leave much room for real-life talk.
“While I continue to work on getting our house in order, I want us to try to visit my parents sometime. If that’s okay.”
“Yes.” Nick’s brows furrow as if my asking is silly. A wave of confusion floats through the connection. “Of course, that’s okay. I’d love to meet them. Well, I guess I met them already, but now they’re my family, too. So yes. You set the time. We’ll be there. But we have to have sex at least a few times before we go because…” He gestures between us and his already hard cock. “You know why.”
Excitement bubbling in my gut, I nod enthusiastically and clap my hands like a lunatic. “Yes, yes, of course. That won’t be a problem. I’m… Thank you!” Launching myself at Nick, he falls onto his back, laughing, and I go with him. As I do, I slide him into me and give us more of what we crave.
I’m crazy about this man and don’t want it to ever end.
?. . .?
Wrapped in the puffy red vest, my mother made me ages ago, I bounce on the balls of my feet in the snow like a wind-up rabbit the Easter Bunny puts in all his colorful baskets. We’re standing outside my parents' modest cabin, waiting for them to answer the door. It’s adorned with the same evergreen wreath that’s been there for as long as I can remember. Perfectly shaped snowflakes swirl around us in the gentlest breeze. The red-and-white twinkle lights covering almost every inch of my parent's roof and the perimeter of the windows haven’t changed a bit. The three snowmen we built when I was little stand strong in the center of the snow-blanketed yard. Mom must have changed their scarves. They look new. Everything else looks like home. Exactly like I remember.
Oh. Fudge sticks.
I’m stalling.
I’m tense.
Bah! I’m a lot of flippy-floppy things. Bonus for me, horny isn’t one of them. That’d be weird. Kudos to Santa for handling that before we left. Then, afterward, he forced me to shower with him, made me get dressed, and, despite my protesting, carried me down the front steps of our home to the gold, velvet-lined sleigh he asked Prancer to pull. Because I may have almost canceled our visit—the visit Nick scheduled with my parents through elf channels while I was busy working on our house with the contractors I booked, who dropped everything to get Santa’s house in tippy-top shape.
It's wild to think I asked him about meeting my parents two days ago, and now, here we are.
What will they think of everything?
Not of Nick.
Of me.
Of my new job.
Not only as head elf, which I haven’t settled into yet, but as Nick’s partner and magic baby maker—the only male anatomy baby maker in our existence.
Thanks for that, North Pole magic.
First, my mother and her late-in-life fertility, and now me.
What’s next?
Hands stuffed casually in his front pants pockets, Nick side-eyes me. I know he’s concerned, not from his face butfrom the one-way connection. I paste on a wide, too-bright smile and give him two thumbs up.
Rolling his eyes, grinning at me like I’m a silly fool, he adjusts the front of his black trousers.
I try not to notice.