“I’ve got you, sweetheart.” I rub Pepper’s middle back as Doc palpates inside.
“There’s a small opening here.”
Pepper bites my shirt and squeaks the littlest noise.
“You, okay?” Nails embedding into my chest, Pepper tries to claw into me—through me.
Doc hums to himself again. Then I feel it, wetness soaking through my shirt. My poor elf is crying. We can’t do this anymore. Enough. We’re done here.
“No more. Please remove your finger from him,” I request.
Without question, Doc complies, removes his gloves, and tosses them in a nearby receptacle. His face is the picture of happiness and wonder when he returns to my side and lays a hand on my shoulder. “Everything will work out, Nicholas. Sleep together. In bed. Have lots of sex. But I’d advise you, since we don’t know how this works, that you be careful and not ejaculate inside of Pepper. Unless you’re ready to be parents soon.”
I nod in understanding, even though I have no intention of having sex anytime soon. “Thank you, Doc. I’ll take that under advisement.”
“You do that.” The older elf grins. “It was great seeing you both. Come back any time. Day or night.” With a final squeeze on my shoulder, Doc leaves us to our privacy.
Pepper sits back on my lap, eyes still rimmed in red with blotchy, tear-stained cheeks as he looks at me. “I can carry babies.” His bottom lip wobbles, and as much as I shouldn’t find it adorable, I do.
A lone tear trickles down the side of his nose, and I dash it away with my thumb. “Yes, sweetheart. It seems so.”
“I always wanted to be a dad.” He cracks a watery smile.
“Then you will. Whenever we’re ready, I’ll put a baby in you.” With my cock, inside his hole. Fuck, I don’t knowhow any of this is going to work. In the human world, I had anal sex a few times, but the appeal wasn’t there. Sex itself was good enough to take the edge off but never enough to drive me to want it more than once with the same person. It also took forever—hours sometimes for a mediocre orgasm.
Pepper visibly swallows and brushes the messy strands of hair off his forehead. “We need sleep first. I need a lot of sleep.”
A chuckle bubbles out of my chest, followed by a soft smile. “I know we do. Why don’t we finish here and go back to the house?”
“Santa’s house?”
“Our house,” I correct.
“I’ve only ever been inside once.”
Well, that’s about to change forever.
Dabbing another bit of moisture from his face, I ask, “Where have you been sleeping?”
“There’s a storage closet outside the painting room in the workshop. I live there now.”
I sigh. “Pepper.” That’s not where he should be staying. That’s no place for any elf, let alone mine.
Chewing his lip, he shrugs. “I didn’t know what else to do. I can’t be away from you. It physically hurts.”
Oh. My sweet. Sweet. Elf.
This can’t happen again.
I brush my fingers across his cheek. “I’m sorry.”
He toys with the cotton of my shirt, rubbing it between his fingers to give them something to do. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Nick. You didn’t know about any of this.”
That’s not good enough.
“Now that I do, we’re staying atourhome. According toDoc, we need to sleep in the same bed to actually get sleep. The other stuff we’ll deal with later.”