Page 10 of Santa & His Elf

He’s everything.

On instinct, I continue to massage Pepper’s hole as his high calms, and he melts into a pile of goo on my lap. The whimpers cease when I extract my fingers to taste. Both enter my mouth with a groan, and I suck the juices clean. Sweet and salty, like I’d expect cum to be, with an undertone of vanilla. It’s unlike anything I’ve tasted before, and my body craves another sample.

I reenter his supple hole with the same digits. Pepper mumbles his contentment. Hot air bathes my neck as he sprinkles the tiniest kisses there.

Again, I savor his unique essence.

I moan.

My hard cock throbs in time with my heart. Yet, I’m content.

Doc reenters the room at some point. Neither of us notices as I stroke up and down Pepper’s back and over the curve of his ass in featherlight touches. He snuggles me in return—arms curled in front of him, pressed to my stomach, cheek resting on my collarbone, lips grazing my throat, applying tiny kisses whenever the mood strikes.

I refocus on our surroundings long enough to catch Doc’s eye. We share a private smile before he pats the table and motions to the ultrasound machine for Pepper’s examination. Not wanting to rouse my elf, I stand from the chair with him in my arms. He’s light as I carry him across the space. Not wanting to let Pepper go, I climb onto the table and rest him on my lap—legs draped across my thighs, head on my chest.

Doc doesn’t say a word when he lifts the hem of Pepper’s shirt and rolls a probe with jelly across his abdomen. On the screen, my elf’s insides show up.

“Mmm. Mmm. I see,” Doc mumbles to himself as he snaps pictures.

Pepper remains motionless, voice nowhere to be found.

“And?” I ask.

“He is all man in there. Except here.” On the television, Doc points to a spot the size of a tangerine.

Pepper shudders, burying his nose against my pec. I kiss the top of his head in support, knowing this can’t be easy for him.

“What is that?” I tilt my chin toward the blip on the screen.

“If I had to guess, it’s a sac to carry children.”

“Does this make any sense to you?” I ask, curious if he has any further theories because this is a first in the Pole.

Doc shrugs. “Yes and no. When you were busy, I did a quick skim through the ancient texts. Nowhere does it say a female shall be given to Santa. But it does say the magic from the fruit gives fertility and virility to Santa and his chosen.You cannot carry your own young. Therefore, as I suspected, Pepper was given the ability.”

Pepper clutches my shirt as he emits a broken noise, cracking my heart in two. He doesn’t want this. And… It hurts. A lot. More than it should.

Crooking a finger under Pepper’s chin, I force him to look up at me. “I can try to get you out of this, Pepper. I’m sorry. We don’t have to have children. I can find another way.”

Blinking at me, his eyes rimmed in red, my elf doesn’t respond.

“Nicholas, the tree chose,” Doc reminds.

“I know. But it could also give fruit to a female to bear my children, could it not?” If the tree is magic, then it can do anything it wants.

Doc hums. “I do suppose it’s possible. But Pepper is yours. You are his. This is a gift—a unique and rare gift.”

“I know.” It is a gift, but nobody should be forced to endure this…me, if they don’t want to.

Turning his attention to Pepper, Doc pats his patient’s knee in support. “May I further my examination?”

My elf nods and whispers a tiny, “Yes.”

Smiling at Pepper, Doc clasps his hands together. “Great. You’re doing so well.” To me, he says, “I think it would be best for you to lower the back of his pants.”

To give Doc better access, I adjust Pepper in my lap so that he straddles me and do as instructed—bear Pepper’s bottom to the physician. Gloves on, Doc parts Pepper’s cheeks, and I don’t have to guess what he’s doing when my sweet elf cries out in mortification.

“Hmm. Hmm. This is… Yes.”