“I’m sure you could figure it out if that person isn’t around though.”
She laughed. “Thanks for that. I could but not as well or fast. Mostly I can figure out who to call if need be.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he said. “Works just as well.”
“It does.”
They worked for another two hours, just chatting on and off, and then were done.
“It looks great,” he said. “Thanks. I got it done much faster with the help.”
“Help you weren’t expecting but glad I could keep you company.”
“It was more than company,” he said. “How about I at least feed you lunch? I feel as if it’s the least I can do for the free labor.”
She smiled. “Lunch sounds good.”
Anything to extend her time with him.
“What do you like?” he asked. “I can order some pizza or run and pick something up. Better yet, why don’t we go get something?”
“Whatever works for you,” she said.
“I need a shower,” he said. “How about I meet you in thirty minutes? Then we can figure out where to go?”
“Sounds great,” she said, picking up the empty travel mug that had held his coffee, then walking back to her place.
It gave her time to jump in the shower, clean up, put some makeup on, and brush her hair. No time to do much more than pull it back but it would be nicer than the ponytail she’d had earlier.
She used one of Poppy’s clips to hold a loose braid in place.
By the time there was a knock at her door, she had dark high-waist trouser jeans on with a teal V-neck cotton shirt tucked in and gray ankle boots covered by the wide bottoms of her pants. She had a gray thick belt on that had a variety of flowers etched in it. One of Poppy’s pieces.
There was nothing she loved more than wearing the items produced where she worked.
No reason to spritz body spray on because she’d lathered up with cherry blossom lotion after her shower.
“You get ready fast,” he said.
“Thanks,” she said. “I learned to. My father didn’t like to wait for anyone.”
“I’m not one to wait either.”
“So I guessed,” she said when she came out on the porch. She could have put a jacket on, but why bother? Might as well give him something to look at.
It appeared he was doing the same thing by the navy fitted shirt he had on. Oh yeah, he had one hell of a body on him.
Not bulky, but nice and trim. She couldn’t wait for warmer weather to get a better look at his arms.
She had a weakness for a nice set of biceps.
They went to his truck and climbed in. “I’m not that much of a hard ass,” he said.
“I didn’t say you were,” she said. “Just no reason to keep you waiting. You were out here early this morning.”
“You weren’t much further behind me,” he said.
“I’m up early,” she said. “I’ve always been. Sleep is overrated. I just lie there wondering what I could be doing.”