He didn’t think he’d miss his condo as much as he had. It’d always just been a place to him.
But living in Abe’s house hadn’t felt like his either.
There was nothing worse than not being able to get comfortable.
Sure, he grew up in that house, but it wasn’t his childhood home anymore.
It was never really his.
It was only a place he stayed because no one else wanted him.
“It’s good to have you back,” Nicole said. “Though we’ve been in contact the entire time.”
He and Nicole would chat through work on things, or see each other on group meetings, but that was nothing more than what he always did.
When he was home, he went out with Liam a few times a month or they had him over for dinner.
“I’m glad to be back,” he said.
“Then why aren’t you smiling?” Liam asked.
He forced a smile on his face. “I’ve got to tell you guys something.”
“I hope it’s nothing with Rachelle,” Liam said.
“No,” he said. “But I’m seeing someone.”
“What?” Liam asked. “Why am I just hearing about this now? Don’t tell me it’s the neighbor you went on a date with.”
Nicole slapped her husband’s arm. “You didn’t tell me he went on a date.”
“Because last I knew it was one date. You haven’t said another word about it and I didn’t want to ask,” Liam said. “You told me she thought you were the owner of Cooke’s Landscaping and I just figured you’d set her straight or she wasn’t interested. If things didn’t work out, I didn’t want to bring it up.”
“Yeah, it’s her.”
“I’m hurt you never said a word about it,” Liam said.
Easton looked at his best friend and did see the hurt in his eyes. Guess he handled that badly too.
“So much has been happening. I don’t know if I’m coming or going half the time between work and filling in for Abe. We did get into it after the second date when she found out who I was. She didn’t believe it, but we worked it out.”
He told them a bit more about it.
“I like how she apologized,” Nicole said. “That takes a big person to do it.”
“She’s a great person,” he said. “Really, she is.”
“Look at his face when he says that,” Nicole said to Liam. “Are you in love?”
“Don’t answer that,” Liam said. “I know you. You don’t want to be questioned even if you feel it. Pretend she didn’t ask. Or what is it you say in court? Objection?”
“Overruled,” Nicole said.
“Sustained,” he said, smirking.
“Snot,” Nicole said.
“Things are going well. That is all you need to know. She’s coming here next weekend. The long-distance thing didn’t work well with Rachelle, so we will see how this goes.”