“Which wasn’t anything outrageous. It looked like two guys that were close to each other busting like that. It’s not the first time I’ve seen that between men. Been a while, but I find it entertaining and I’m not the least bit threatened or upset over it.”
“Not annoyed?” he asked.
She smiled. “Not even that. Are you annoyed?”
“A little. He was trying to push my buttons.”
“I figured as much. The question is why was he?”
“I think he wanted me to think about what I might be missing.”
She put her arms around his neck. “Are you going to miss me?”
“I am,” he said. “But I’ll see you in a week. I’ll talk to you too, right?”
“We will,” she said. “How do you feel about phone sex?”
“It’s not something I’ve done before but not opposed to it.”
“Same here,” she said. “It might be fun. Doesn’t have to be anything more than just teasing each other and working ourselves up for the weekend.”
“I think we do a good job of that already.”
“Then we’ll be a pro at it,” she said. “Relax. I’m good with everything if you are. I’m not clingy. I got the feeling you weren’t either.”
“Not at all,” he said.
“Then will you be insulted if I said you’re giving a poor imitation of that?”
He took a deep breath. “Not insulted. Listen, I like you a lot. I want to see where this can go. There could be a small part of me that worries.”
“You worry because you don’t know why Rachelle left and you think by not knowing that you can’t control or fix something?”
“When you say it like that, it sounds pretty stupid.”
“It is stupid if that is the case.” She hadn’t expected him to feel that way and only took a guess. “I don’t know what went on with you two and it’s not my concern unless you’re still carrying a torch for her.”
“Absolutely not,” he said.
“Then stop worrying about what you might have done wrong and think about what she did right by leaving you. If you’re happier now, that is all that matters.”
“I am,” he said.
“Are you worried you won’t be happy going back home? Because, you know, you can live anywhere.” She put her hand up. “I’m not saying to move here. No way. I’m not into moving in with people right away. You know that.”
She hadn’t even moved in with her fiancé and, looking back, she was the one that had the reasons not to just as much as Philip.
“I’m not saying that. Honestly, I’m more concerned that you’re okay with everything.”
“I am. I’m not sure what I can say to get you to believe that, other than we have to play it out so that you can see it.”
“That’s good enough for me,” he said and pulled her into his arms.
Abe walked in a second later. “Save that for later,” Abe said. “I’m hungry. Easton said you’re a good cook. Don’t suppose you’d be willing to share any leftovers with me in my cousin’s absence?”
“If your cousin doesn’t get upset over it, then I can bring some things over now and again. Do you like salads? I always make a huge one in the beginning of the week full of fiber.” She put her hand on her stomach. “It can bloat me but so good for cleaning a body out.”
Easton was laughing so hard he snorted.