She pulled his hand out of her pants, picked his thumb up, and put it in her mouth to suck. He was pretty sure his dick had never been harder after that move.
“Nowhere else to take this,” he said. He undid her jeans and pushed them off fast while she kicked them out of the way.
His jeans were opened and lowered over his hips enough with his underwear to free himself. He had a condom in his wallet, pulled it out, covered himself, and then backed her against the wall.
He was going to pick her up and fuck her that way, but she turned and wiggled her hips at him while she put her hands on the arm of the chair close by.
This was even better in his mind. He came up behind her. Her legs were wide enough for him, and he found her wet heat, then guided himself in.
She let out a moan. She was a noisy creature when it came to sex. He loved it.
His hands went to her hips and held on as he started to thrust his hips forward and back.
“Touch yourself,” he said. “Make sure you get there because I can’t stay like this forever.”
And he knew damn well she’d want a second round if she didn’t make it in time.
It hadn’t been a problem once, but tonight could be a first and he didn’t want that.
Her hand moved from the chair to between her legs. She was touching all over, her nails coming down and grazing his shaft a few times. He was positive it wasn’t on purpose, but it was enough to send him into overdrive.
There was sweat dribbling down his back and he might be holding his breath.
He felt her start to squeeze him tight, pulsing around him, her moans getting louder and he knew she was coming.
It was the sign for him to let go and he did in one more thrust, held her still and just emptied his tank.
His legs were locked in place while he stood there because he wasn’t so sure they might not start shaking.
When she started to laugh, he stepped back. “What’s so funny?”
“I was going to tell you to remember this when you move back home, but then just started to laugh, because I think it’s me that is going to have a hard time forgetting every time I walk by the chair.”
“Trust me,” he said. “I won’t forget a thing.”
Laurel was waiting for Easton to text her the next Saturday to come over and meet Abe. He’d left a while ago to pick his cousin up at the airport.
She couldn’t believe that he was moving home tomorrow.
Or how sad she was over it when there was no reason to feel that way.
They weren’t splitting or giving each other space. He was just going to be working ninety minutes away during the week.
Next weekend, she’d already agreed to go to his place. She was looking forward to it and she hoped to meet his best friends too.
When she saw Easton’s Audi pull into the driveway next to hers, she knew it’d be soon that the text would come in.
The car had been a bit of a shock. She’d never once thought of what he might have driven around because he was always in Abe’s truck. He said during the week if he had to run errands, he’d start it and drive it out and then put it back.
That car would have given away more than the truck in the beginning as to who he might have been.
At least she thought it might.
Then she wondered why it mattered all that much.