“If I don’t do it today then it most likely won’t be until next weekend. I’ve got too much going on during the week. The same as her.”
“Then you know what you need to do. We are here if you want to talk.”
“I know,” he said. “Thanks.”
“And, Easton. If she gets mad, it happens. Some people need time for information to sink in. Just like you told her at dinneryesterday. It’s what happens the day or so after she knows that matters.”
“Good advice,” he said.
“I’ve been known to have it now and again. And here is Abe. He at least stopped laughing.”
“That’s something,” he said.
His cousin got back on. “I heard what Mom said.”
“Good,” he said. “Then we don’t need to talk about it again. Let’s go over business.”
They talked for another thirty minutes, then hung up and he sent a text to Laurel asking if she was busy. If she had time to talk.
He was pretty sure the nature of that text would already light the flares to go off, but better than taking her unaware again.
Wanting to talk meant bad news. At least in her experience.
Laurel didn’t know what to make of the text from Easton.
It’d be one thing to ask if she wanted another date. Or to hang out.
But she’d told him to come over when he wanted. It’s not like she had any plans today.
She was doing some chores around her rented house and thinking about the sexy guy she locked lips with yesterday.
If he was going to tell her that she was too much to handle and he was not up for it, then it was best to know now. She could still be a friendly neighbor.
After she got past her frustration.
An hour went by and then there was a knock at the door. She thought maybe he’d text first, but it wasn’t a big deal. She’d only been watching some movie that held no interest.
She opened the door and held it wide for him, “Hi,” she said. “Come in. Want me to take your jacket or aren’t you staying long?”
He took it off and handed it over. “I’d like to stay longer than it takes to say what I need to, but that would be up to you.”
She frowned. “Not sure what is going on,” she said. “We just met. Unless you are going to tell me you’re dating someone else. If that is the case, get out now.”
But she hadn’t seen any other cars coming or going in a few weeks here. No way he could be dating another woman unless he went to that person.
She had to tell herself never to say never because she hadn’t thought Philip would be on Tinder having mindless sex behind her back and think it was okay. After all, he loved her and not them.
“I’m not cheating,” he said. “I’d never do that. I don’t like liars or cheaters anymore than you. And that’s why I’m here.”
“So you’ve lied to me?” she asked.
“No. I haven’t. Not once. But I let you assume and that was wrong of me. I guess I didn’t think much of it until yesterday. I mean, it’s only been two dates.”
He was right, two dates weren’t a big deal, but the way she felt about him already was.