I’ve learned over the past several months that she has a bit of a sweet tooth, so when she immediately leans over and unties the string, I can’t help but smile. It’s a small thing, but I love it when I can make her happy. Her joy is genuine, and it’s so damn contagious.
“Ooh,” she says, flipping the box open. “Chocolate-covered strawberries. Why’d you pick those?”
“So I can do this.” I grab one of the strawberries and bring it to her lips. Harlow opens her mouth and takes a bite.
“Mmm,” she moans. “That’s delicious chocolate.”
“I spared no expense tonight, baby.”
“Is that why we’re on the roof, then?” she asks, teasingly looking at me.
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” I smile.
“Fucking hilarious,” she laughs. “And you know you love it.”
Yes, I certainly doloveit.
“In case you missed it then, Harlow…” I say, dragging out her name with a look of faux offense. “I want to be alone with you tonight.”
She leans closer to me, and I can smell the scent of her perfume. Heady with notes of citrus.Intoxicating. “Why’d you want me alone?”
God, that flirty tone always gets me. I’m an absolute sucker for her seduction. But I’m not sure I’ve earned that back yet.
“Because,” I say, gently tilting her chin so she’s looking into my eyes, “I don’t want to share you.You’re mine, remember?”
“I remember,” she replies softly. “I’m yours, Knox. I’ve been yours.”
“I’m yours, too, you know,” I admit. “I don’t want you to doubt that. I’m all fucking yours, Harlow.”
Her smile is disbelieving, but not in a negative way. In a way that seems more like she can’t believe that Imeanthat.
I sit up and bring her in closer, leaning her head on my shoulder as we sit and soak in the sounds of the city below us. The sun is already setting, and we have a great view of the sunset from this vantage point. The amber light shines off Harlow’s perfectly blonde hair, casting her in an ethereal glow.
She’s breathtaking.
Sitting with her like this is something I didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to do again a month ago.
I nuzzle my face against her neck. “Thank you,” I whisper.
“Why are you thanking me?”
“Because,” I say, voice muffled by her hair, “I hurt you last month. You didn’t have to forgive me, but you did anyway.”
Harlow twists her head, now looking right at me and pressing her forehead against mine. “I know you didn’t want to hurt me. You’re a good man, Knox. I truly believe that. I couldn’t for one second believe that you said any of that out of malice.”
“Why do you think I said that then?”
“Fear,” she answers assuredly. “I’m the first woman you’ve gotten close to since Emily. It must have scared the hell out of you when I told you this didn’t feel fake to me anymore.”
I let out a breath. “I’m an open book to you, aren’t I?” She just smiles at me. “Lo, I know what I said last month, and I still regret it. Because it was a lie.”
“Was it?” She rests her hand on my thigh as I start tracing lines up her arm.
“Yes,” I admit. “I can’t remember the last time this felt fake. What I have with you feels more real than anything I’ve felt before. It terrified me, and I panicked. But as soon as you walked out my door, I knew it would be the biggest mistake of my fucking life letting you go. All I wanted was for you to talk to me again so I could prove that to you.”
“You didn’t have to tear your hamstring just to get me to talk to you again.” Her tone is playful, so I can’t help but laugh.
“It was partially torn,” I state. “And I sure as hell didn’t do that on purpose. I missed a month of the season. My mind was a mess, and my game suffered. But I wouldn’t do it differently even if I could. Having you around me again was everything I wanted.”