It’s now Sunday, the day Knox told me we’d announce our “relationship.” I still don’t know what he’s planning, and it’s starting to give me anxiety. I get uncomfortable with the unknown.
“As ready as I’m going to be, I think,” I reply. “Knox and I have only been talking to each other for a few days now. We don’t know each other well, and I’m afraid that will come across.”
“You’re not going to be giving media interviews. I’m sure they’ll ask him some questions during postgame press, but I doubt Paul will let the reporters get too invasive. I think you’ll mainly just need to be seen together in public and pretend you like each other. Shouldn’t be too hard for you when you’re staring at Knox Spencer.”
“Yeah, I guess,” I respond, sighing. “I think I’m just nervous about all of it. It feels kinda wrong to be doing this, at least for me. I can help Knox with his image and help him become less of a pessimist. He could actually change through this. But I almost feel like I’m using him.”
“Lo, he’s probably thinking the same thing about you. Just remember that you guys are doing this forbothof your benefits. And then you can fall in love along the way.”
“I know, I know. You don’t want him to fall in love with you. Just let me live in a fantasy world where my best friend is finally happy.”
I cross my arms. “I don’t need a man to be happy, Luc.”
She sighs. “I know you don’t, Lo. But you’re a hopeless romantic. I know the idea of finding your person one day keeps you going.”
I wish she was wrong. I’m independent and can care for myself, but I do so badly want to share my life with somebody again. I thought Derek was going to be that person. I know now that he never would have been. Our relationship wasn’t healthy; I just didn’t see it at the time.
But as much as I want that again, I don’t think I’m ready. Derek almost broke me. I’m not whole again, but I’m getting there. I’m just going to focus on myself. Love and romance can come later.
Before Lucia can mention it again, there’s a knock at my door. “Are you expecting somebody else, Lo?”
“No,” I say, stepping off my stool by the kitchen counter and making my way to the door. “I’ve been avoiding Rory and Ella, too, so I don’t let the cat out of the bag. I’m not sure who this would be.”
As I open the door, I find an unknown man standing before me. “Uh, can I help you?”
“Just here to drop off a package, ma’am.” He picks up a brown box from the floor and hands it to me. “Here you are.”
“Oh, thanks,” I say, confused. I wasn’t expecting a package. The man nods his head before turning around and heading back down the hallway.
Once I close the door behind me, I walk back into the kitchen and set the package down on the counter.
“What’s that?” Lucia asks, sizing up the box in front of us.
“No idea,” I reply honestly. “I wasn’t expecting anything.”
“Do you think it could be from Knox?”
“I don’t know why he’d send me something, but maybe. There’s no return address on the box, though.”
“So then open it so we can find out!” Lucia nudges me to get me moving.
I take a pair of scissors and slice through the tape on the box. The first thing I see when I open it is a letter.
Figured you could use something for the game tonight. Wear whatever you’re comfortable with, but as much as I hate it, I know there will be pictures taken of us. I’m sure you’ll look great no matter what, though.
“Yeah, this is from Knox,” I say to Lucia, handing her the letter as two tickets I didn’t notice before fall from inside the folded paper.
“What are those?” she asks before turning her attention to the letter.
I grab the tickets from the counter and look them over. “Two front-row tickets for the section next to the Stars dugout.”
“Ooh, he wants you right next to him during the game.” Lucia fake swoons, holding her arm to her head. I roll my eyes and shake my head at her dramatics. When I don’t give her the reaction she wants, she moves on. “Now, what do you think is in the box? Also, I’m not going to allow you to gloss over the factthat he says in the letter that you’ll look great.” She moves her eyebrows suggestively.