“It’s fading. Still there, but my thigh is finally no longer black and blue, so I’m considering it a win.”
She laughs, the sweet sound echoing off the walls of my kitchen. “A win is a win.”
A win is definitely a win, and Harlow enjoying my presence again is the biggest win of all. “Definitely,” I say as I finally stick my fork in the cheesecake and take a bite for myself. “Fuck, this is good.”
“It’s chocolate cheesecake,” she says in a ‘no shit’ tone. “Of course, it’s good.”
“So, you like chocolate cheesecake in addition to French toast, onion rings, and pad see ew. I’ll add it to my mental list.”
Harlow looks at me in surprise. “You’re keeping track of the foods I enjoy?”
“I keep track of everything you do, Lo,” I admit. “You’re very captivating, you know.”
“No, I didn’t know that.” The look on her face is so sweet and sincere. “I appreciate that.”
“You really like sweet words, don’t you?”
“Words of Affirmation is my love language,” she shrugs. “Words go a long way for me. That’s why I would take everything Derek said to heart.”
I look at her, confused. “What do you mean that’s your love language?”
“Of course, you don’t know the love languages,” she says, shaking her head. “There are five love languages—Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, and Physical Touch. Words build me up, so my love language is Words of Affirmation.”
I never thought I’d find myself interested in something like this. I previously would have said this was pointless. But it seems to bring her joy, and that brings me joy.
I grab my phone and pull up the list Harlow is referencing. After reviewing the different types, I say, “I’m definitely Acts of Service then. Someone doing something small has always meant a lot to me.”
“Like bringing home a chocolate cheesecake.”
“Especiallyif they bring home a chocolate cheesecake.”
“Lucky me then.”
“Not as lucky as me, Harlow.”
My response is involuntary, but I mean it all the same. I feel so damn lucky to have her sitting beside me right now. She knows everything about me, and here she still is.
I’ve already let her in. What harm would there be in letting her get even closer?
One step at a time, though.
“So,” I say, severing the silence. “Any recent articles on your ?”
“Just stats and game recaps right now,” she replies. “I posted my interview with Cole a couple weeks ago, and I haven’t had a chance to interview anyone else since I’ve been helping you.”
“Who do you want to interview?”
“I don’t know,” she says. “I haven’t given it much thought since I’ve been busy.”
Before I can really think about it, I say, “Interview me then.”
Harlow looks at me incredulously. “You want me to interview you, the man notorious for sharingnothingwith any form of media?”
“Why not?” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “I trust you.”
“Thank you for trusting me then, Knox.”
She looks at me now with endless affection, and I can feel my heart swell.