“Of course you do, Mr. Baseball Star.” Her smile is bright and teasing.
“Mr. Baseball Star,” I say with a smirk. “I like that. I might have to formally request you start using that from now on.”
“Not a fucking chance,” she laughs. “Come on. You still need two items to join you, your volleyball best friend, and your baseball cap.”
“A pocketknife. That would probably be really useful. Now for item number three…” I think for a moment. “Can I take a person?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Perfect. I’m taking you with me then.”
Harlow blushes as she sweetly smiles at me. “Why do you want to take me with you?”
“Because,” I say, “I don’t think a volleyball will be enough company to keep me sane, so I need a person with me. I think you’re the only person I could ever tolerate enough to take with me.”
“I’m tolerable?” she says, hand on her chest. “Knox Spencer, that might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said toanyone.”
“You think you’re funny, don’t you?” I laugh. “That’s the exact same thing you said to me when we started this whole fake dating thing.”
“It is,” she says. “Nice memory, Spencer.”
“Harlow…” I start before trailing off.
“Yes?” she asks.
I let out a breath. “You know you’re more than tolerable to me now, right?”
She smiles at me. “I know, Knox. I never questioned that.”
“Good,” I say, smiling back at her. “I don’t want you to question how important you are to me.”
Her smile falls a little bit. I can see that she wants to believe me, but my telling her last week that this is all fake to me makes it hard. I can understand that. It sucks, but I understand.
I’ll just have to help her see that I mean it.
To change the subject back, I ask her, “You gotta tell me what you’re bringing to a desert island with you, Freckles.”
“Ooh, okay,” she says, finger tapping her chin as she thinks. “I’m gonna take a page from your book and say a pocketknife. I want a water purifier thing since you can’t drink ocean water; I’ll need something to take the salt out. And if I’m bringing a person like you did, I’m definitely bringing a man. I’m a woman; I have needs.” I have to choke down a laugh. “Cole’s my brother, and Josh is engaged, so I’m nixing both of them. So I’d probably have to go with Lane. He’ll do.”
“Lane, huh?” I ask, cocking an eyebrow.
“Why not? He’s fun to be around. We’d probably have some interesting conversations.”
“You know,” I say, “I’m glad you’re still more than willing to tease me.”
“You’d probably be concerned if I didn’t.”
“I’ddefinitelybe concerned if you didn’t.”
We both smile and laugh, and things start to feel more like they did—the times when we just genuinely enjoyed each other’s company without the expectation of anything more.
Taking me by surprise, Harlow slides her foot down the couch cushions, bringing it just in front of the pillows propping up my left leg. Her foot falls down to the side, brushing her skin against mine where it rests.
“Knox…” she says softly.
Her gaze meets mine, those ocean eyes drawing me in and taking me prisoner. “Why do you like my freckles so much?”