I take a sip of my coffee—two creams, one sugar. “Everyone except Knox,” I say, shrugging. “Knox is a mystery to me still.”
“Knox is a mystery to everyone,” Cole replies, letting out a breath. “Hell, I’ve been friends with him for three years, and sometimes I feel likeIbarely know him.”
“Which is why I’m going to use my charm and bright personality to win him over.”
Cole’s hand flies up to his mouth to prevent him from spitting out the coffee he’s sipping, several drops of dark brown liquid falling through. “That’s fucking hilarious, Lo. Fort Knox will certainly be swayed by your cheerfulness and positive attitude.”
“Fuck off, Cole,” I retort, stabbing my fork in the air at him. “I’m a delight—he’d be lucky to know me.”
Cole grabs his empty plate and mug, carrying them over to the sink and rinsing them off before placing them inside. “You’re something else, Lo. Gotta admire your confidence, though.”
Does he mean my faux confidence? I’ve been getting my confidence back, but Derek did such a number on me mentally. I didn’t let him shake me completely, but I wouldn’t consider myself confident again. Not yet, at least.
A knock at the door takes me out of my thoughts. “I’ll get that,” I say, jumping off my stool and heading toward the door. Before my visitor can knock again, I swing the door open. “You’re early, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Rory replies, stepping into my apartment. “I just didn’t want to be late.”
“Who was at the door, Lo?” Cole asks, stepping into view. “Oh, uh… hey Rory. I didn’t know you were coming over.”
“She’s my first interview for the blog,” I state, leading Rory to the small couch in my tiny living room.
Cole rubs his neck. “Skip’s daughter. Seems like a good place to start.”
“Oh, please,” Rory fires back. “The followers would much rather hear about you than they would about me.”
“Maybe…” he says, looking uncomfortable. Weird. “I just don’t like interviews, that’s all.” Cole takes a breath before continuing. “I’m actually gonna head out now, Lo. I need to get ready for strength training.”
“It’s nine-thirty, Cole. You don’t need to be there until noon.”
“I want to get some extra batting practice in beforehand. I’ll see you at the game later, Harlow. Good seeing you as well, Rory.” With that, Cole picks up his bag and heads out the door.
“What the fuck was that?” I ask no one in particular. “Cole was acting weird, right?” I add as I turn toward Rory.
“You’re asking me if the man who all but sprinted out of your apartment the moment I got here was acting weird? No, not at all.” Rory laughs, and I roll my eyes. “Probably just tired of seeing me, is all. I’m sure I see him more than he wants since I’m always with you.”
“You’re literally friends with him,” I say. “You’ve been friends for three years.”
“Yeah, but he’s always been awkward, Lo.”
“Yeah, maybe,” I respond. “Cole’s my damn brother, and it sometimes feels like I know him as well as I know Knox.”
“And how well do you know Knox?” Rory asks, cocking an eyebrow suggestively.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that, right?” She just smiles brightly at me. “How did we go from talking about my brother to you now insinuating I have some kind of sex life with Knox Spencer, of all people?”
“I’m not insinuating that you currently have one, dear Harlow. But I am suggesting you have some fun again. You tell me, Luc, and Ell everything, so I know you haven’t had any action since you broke up with Derek. I’m willing to bet the league’s favorite grumpy pitcher knowsexactlywhat to do in the bedroom.”
“Jesus, Rory. I hardly even know him; I’m not trying to jump into his bed. Or anyone’s bed, for that matter.”
“Too bad,” Rory retorts. “I bet a good lay would finally put a smile on Fort Knox’s face.”
“You’re fucking shameless, Ror. Now, quit distracting me. You’re supposed to be doing an interview.”
“Aren’t you glad I came early then?” I just lightly shake my head while breathing out a laugh rather than reply. “So, what questions have you got for me, Pierce?”
“They’re all important to have people get to know you, but we’ll start off with the easy ones like favorite color, favorite food, favorite Taylor Swift song…”
“That’s an important question?”