Page 64 of Off Pitch

“Well, she’s Cole’s little sister, for starters.”

Lane rolls his eyes. “She’s fucking twenty-five, man. Don’t act like she’s a child. She’s Cole’syoungersister, not little.“ I rest myhead against the back of the sofa. “You’re both adults. Cole won’t want details, but he’s not going to give you shit if you sleep with her. He’s never been that kind of guy.”

“I know,” I sigh. “But how can I even be sureshewants it? It’s not like I can just point to my room and say, ‘Wanna fuck?’”

“Jesus, it’s not been that long since you’ve had sex, man. You know how to tell if she wants it.” I eye him. “Body language. It’s all in her body language. Read that, and you’ll know what to do.”

“It still could be a terrible idea,” I sigh.

“Maybe. But it’s just sex, dude. As long as things are as fake as you two say they are, that shouldn’t complicate anything.”

He’s right. If that’s all true, it shouldn’t cause any issues or rifts. But is everything as fake as we say? It doesn’t seem like more, but I also know that I don’t like it when she’s not around.

I’m just going to hold on to the hope that we’re correct in how fake all of this is. Every day is a battle with myself to not go for Harlow, no matter how badly I want her. And from what she admitted when she was drunk, I’m pretty sure she wants me, too.

I stayed on the field to practice longer today to make up for the time I missed while talking to Lane. Because of that, I don’t see Harlow outside the clubhouse like usual. Instead, as soon as we take to the field to prep for the game, I find her right where she told me she’d be tonight—front row, right off the first baseline where her season tickets are, with Lucia and Rory holding Sage on either side of her.

I jog over to meet them before I throw some warm-up pitches with Scholl. “Hey, you,” I say as I approach her. I like that she sits here because the seats are just above field level—when she stands, she’s eye to eye with me.

“Hey, Fort,” she says. “Ready for your game tonight?”

“I am now,” I reply, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. “Media seems to think you’re a good luck charm.”

Harlow laughs. “You were already the best pitcher in the league. You don’t need a good luck charm.”

“Maybe not.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “But I certainly don’t mind looking at this good luck charm all night.”

“You flirting with me again, Knox?” she says slyly.

“I thought I was being more obvious about it this time. But if you need me to tell you explicitly,” I reply, leaning my lips to her ear. “I flirt with you every chance I get, Lo.”

I feel the shiver run down her body, reacting to my breath on her ear. “Then I guess it’s a good thing I’ve been trying to get your attention, huh?”

I lean back now and look at her, leaving my arm around her waist. “You’ve had my attention longer than you realize then,” I admit.

“So, it’s not the jersey that does it for you?” she asks with a smile.

“Oh, that doesn’t hurt at all. You look fucking good with my name on your back, Lo.”

“I don’t know,” she teases. “I’m a Pierce. I always thought that one looked good.”

“You look better with Spencer,” I say, putting a finger to her chin and finding her eyes with mine. “I like it. A lot.”

Harlow’s breath is uneven now… just like mine. This became more intense than I expected. Now I hear Scholl calling for me, so I know I need to head over.

“I’m being called upon,” I say.

“You are,” she replies before adding, “But there’s still cameras all around us.”

“If you want a kiss, you can just ask.” We both smile before I lean in, capturing her lips with mine. I’m enjoying myself a bit too much, but I have to break away so this doesn’t go too far.

Once we part, I notice the blush across Harlow’s cheeks. I really like the effect I seem to have on her. “Good luck,” she says finally.

“Good luck to you, too,” I reply as she gives me a curious look. “Lucia and Rory have been watching this entire interaction. You’re fucked.”

She groans. “I hate you.”

“No, you don’t,” I laugh, jogging backward to meet up with Scholl and get ready for the game. Once I see Harlow take her seat, I turn around and head to the mound, a smile on my face. I don’t need a good luck charm, but I sure as fuck like having one anyway.