In all honesty, today is a little too quiet
Ha! I knew you missed me
You think mighty highly of yourself, Freckles
I’m just confident, Spencer
Give that a try sometime
Maybe I will
You getting ready for your night out?
Yeah, we’re getting ready now
You asking for a picture or something?
Oh, God no
I don’t need to see you at all
You’re such a dick
Go enjoy your night out
We’ll talk in the morning, Lo
See ya, Fort
“Ouch!” I say as I fall over while trying to shimmy myself into my damn dress. I just had to go for the strapless black dress that’s a bitch to put on. “Fuck, that hurt.”
“You’re that clumsy already, and you haven’t put on heels yet. You haven’t even had anything to drink,” Lucia says as she laughs.
“The only reason I’m not snapping back at you, Luc, is because it’s your birthday. You’re fair game tomorrow, though.”
Rory flops herself down on the floor beside me in black leather pants and a corseted top. “How’s it feel to be in the last year of your twenties, Lucia?”
“It makes me feel like I’m too old for my friends,” Lucia laughs. “I’ve got no one over here with me.”
“Hey,” Ella says. “I’m twenty-seven. I’m basically right there with you.”