Cole watches me curiously. “Do youwanthim to kiss you, Lo?”
“What? No! Of course not!” I shout, trying to sound convincing. Cole passes by me to set out our food, laughing as he does, confirming that he’s not buying what I’m saying.
He should believe me, though. Why would I want Knox to kiss me? This is a show. We’re putting on ashow. I don’t need him to kiss me outside of when it’s necessary.
And yet, after seeing him last night, I secretly wish he would kiss me just because he could. Not because of cameras, notbecause anyone’s around. Just because he wants to. Just because he wantsme.
A thought like that will take me down a very dangerous road…
“I’m so glad we’regoing out for your birthday tonight, Luc,” I say, leaning back on the sofa at Josh and Ella’s. “I desperately need a night out.”
“Why is that?” Lucia asks, a curious look on her face.
“Because life has been fucking crazy lately.”
That’s kind of the truth. Everything since the start of this season has been an absolute whirlwind. But I don’t think that’s the biggest reason I need this right now.
It’s mainly because I’m so goddamnconfused.
It’s been six days since that night in my apartment. Six days since something came over me, and I started seeing Knox in a new way. It’s also the night he made it a point to tell me how good I look with my freckles and how they keep distracting him.
I’ve been more confused lately as it is, and that did absolutely nothing to help me. I shouldn’t be looking at Knox differently. He’s still my friend, my fake boyfriend.
The problem with that is we’re so good at faking it that it’s starting to seem genuine.
“I bet life is crazy for you,” Ella says, sitting in the chair across from us. “You’re dating Knox, and your face is plastered on the front of every tabloid.”
“I’m still not used to that,” I admit. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that.”
“They’ll ease up soon,” Rory says from the other side of me on the sofa. “When my dad was still playing, I’d end up with pictures on covers, too. I was a literal child then, and I’d still see my face whenever I went to the grocery store. But eventually, they eased up, and I haven’t had a problem really since.”
“That’s good to know,” I say, letting out a breath. “I’m just worried because Knox is at the height of his fame right now, and the media seems tolovethe story of Fort Knox and the woman who got through to him.”
“Tabloids suck, let me start with that,” Ella says. “But I do kinda get it. Knox is so closed off and has been the entire time he’s been in the league. Him opening up with somebody and sharing her with the world is a big fucking deal.”
“I know. I try to let all that roll off me and enjoy my time with him.”
“And how have you been enjoying your time with Knox, hm?” Lucia asks with mischief in her eyes.
“Not like that, bitch,” I say with a laugh. “We hang out and talk, but that’s really it. You know we haven’t slept together.”
“Poor Knox,” Rory adds while stifling a laugh. These two just have to egg me on, don’t they? They know damn well that this isn’t real, so we’re not going to sleep together.
“Wait,” Ella says loudly, light brown hair fanning over her shoulders, “you’re not sleeping together? I’m not judging you, but we’ve been friends for years, Lo. It’s a bit surprising.”
“Oh,” I say uneasily. “We’re just taking things slow, that’s all.”
Yes, we’re moving so slowly. We went from setting up a fake dating arrangement with Knox’s agent to kissing on national fucking television four days later.
Moving so slowly.
Glacial even.
“Fair enough,” Ella says back. “To each their own. Me? I don’t think I could do that if I wanted to. Josh is just-”