Page 37 of Off Pitch


Because you’re grumpy and can’t make any other friends


Thank God I have a new friend now, so I can finally replace you two and Josh


So, you’re friends with my sister, huh?


Friends with benefits, maybe?


Christ, my life doesn’t revolve around sex


I just want my friends to have fun because I haven’t been laid since I found out about Sage


Fine, I’ll give you all the dirty details next time I get laid. Happy now?




As long as it’s not with my sister, count me in, too


You’re both so fucking weird

I set my phone down and hear a knock at my door. Harlow must be back now. How long was I in the shower?

Rather than make her wait while I get dressed, I decide to answer the door as is, so I pad through the hallway before I make it to my door. Standing on the other side is a very stunned Harlow.

“You- you’re not wearing clothes!” she says, shielding her eyes. “Why aren’t you wearing clothes?!”

I chuckle. “I wasn’t expecting you back yet. I just got out of the shower when you knocked.”

“Well, go get dressed then! This-” she removes her hands from her eyes and gestures to my body, “is distracting.”

“Good to know that I distract you, Freckles.” She steps into my penthouse as I walk to my bedroom for something to put on.

The plan today is for this to be a casual outing. Harlow is wearing jeans, a tight-as-sin pink floral top, and brown booties. The perfect amount of casual to work with. After putting on my boxer briefs, I throw on a pair of jeans and grab a long-sleeved gray knit henley from my closet. Once I’m dressed, I head back out to find her in my living room.

“It’s safe to look now,” I say, the smirk on my face evident. “I won’t be distracting you anymore.”

Harlow turns around and groans. “You’re wearing a shirt tight enough to show off every muscle in your chest.”

I walk closer. “You told me yesterday that you’re not attracted to me. I didn’t think this would be distracting for you.” I cock an eyebrow. “Unless you lied, that is.” She mumbles under her breath, and I believe I can make out that she doesn’t like how quickly I figured that out. I place an arm around the front of her waist and lean my lips to her ear. “Just so you know, your shirt is every bit as distracting to me as mine is to you. Call us even.”