Page 21 of Off Pitch

Cole slaps a hand on my shoulder. “When you know, you know, eh, Spencer?” What I wouldn’t give to wipe that smug ass smirk off his face.

“Can I please just shower? I pitched a fucking no-hitter, and you’re more interested in my damn relationship.”

Josh just looks at me, confused. “It’s just a little hard to believe Fort Knox has a girlfriend, and he’s shown her to the entire world now.”

Yeah. Fucking tell me about it.



After remaining in thestands, awestruck, for another minute after Knox kissed me, Lucia steers me out of the crowd and directly into her office at the stadium. From here, we watch the press conference where Knox tells everyone that we’re together. And Cole makes sure to mention that, yes, I am his sister, smirking the entire time.

Fucking brothers.

Lucia already interrogated me about the kiss.

Did I know he was going to do it? No.

How do I feel now? I have no idea.

How was it? Good…

But that’s an understatement. It was the most electric kiss of my life. It gave mebutterflies. It wasn’t even some deep, passionate kiss. It was more than a peck but not much more than that. And still, it worked its way into my memory, already knowing I might never feel that during a kiss again. I don’t know how the hell Knox did that, but he ruined every other kiss I’ll have in my life.

When the press conference ends, Lucia turns to ESPN to see what they’re saying. And the only thing they’re talking about right now is the no-hitter leading right into a kiss where Knox Spencer shows his girlfriend to the world. I knew this would happen, but I’m still sick to my stomach.

Lucia’s office door swings open, and Rory marches inside on a warpath with a sleeping Sage on her shoulder. “Harlow Louise Pierce.” She points right at me. “What the fuck?”

“Hey, Rory… enjoy the game tonight?” I say in a dismal attempt to steer the conversation.

It didn’t work.

“Harlow. You’re datingKnox Spencer? How and when did that happen?”

“It’s, uh… new. Just a couple weeks.”

She’s not buying it.

“I was with you on Wednesday when Knox texted you saying he wanted you to meet with him and his agent. You didn’t even have his goddamn number in your phone, Lo. Try again.”

I sigh, realizing there’s no way I can spin this so Rory will believe me. She was there when this all started, and she knew we weren’t together.

“The meeting with Knox and his agent was about this. He needs to improve his image to get an endorsement deal with Axis, and his agent thinks the best way to change his public perception is to… fake a relationship with me.” I sink into the chair I’m sitting in, bringing my hands up to my face. “I’m living in a fucking romance book right now.”

“Then you should know that fake dating never works, Lo,” Rory smirks.

“That’s exactly what I told her!” Lucia chimes in. “The couple always ends up with feelings before it ends.”

“Yeah, and you also said you bet Knox is in love with me by the end of the season. That’s not going to happen.”

Rory sits in a chair across from me, putting her hand on Sage’s back to keep her from falling. “I’m not so sure about that, Lo. Knoxsmiledtonight during the press conference. He fucking smiled. He doesnotsmile for no reason.”

“He pitched a no-hitter, Ror. His good mood and happiness had nothing to do with kissing me.”

Lucia turns from the TV and swivels her office chair around to face us. “Lo, you didn’t see the kiss. I couldseethe damn chemistry you two had.”

“I’ve seen the kiss,” I retort. “ESPN has played it fifty damn times now.”