“Jesus, Luc. That’s not gonna happen.” I carefully unwrap the tissue paper to reveal… a jersey. “It’s a Stars jersey. I already have one of those.”
“You have a Pierce jersey for your brother, Lo. That’s not going to be a Pierce jersey.”
“Oh,” I say, realization washing over me. I lift the jersey and turn it around, findingSpencerstitched across the top with the number forty-nine stitched below. “He… he wants me to wear his jersey tonight?”
“You’re announcing your relationship.”
“Fake relationship,” I remind her.
“Semantics,” she replies, waving me off. “If there are going to be pictures of you two like he thinks, it would make more sense for you to wear his jersey instead of your brother’s.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” I admit. “I feel like it’s just now sinking in that this is really happening. How did I find myself in such a weird situation?”
“The how doesn’t matter,” Lucia says. “What matters is that you are, and after tonight, whatever Knox has planned will show the world that you’re dating.”
“Fake dating.”
“It won’t be fake for long. A man seeing a woman in his jersey always makes him feral for her.”
“In books, Luc! Life is not a romance novel.”
Lucia laughs as she steps off her stool and grabs her purse from the counter. “I have to head in now for their training. I’ll catch you at the game tonight.”
With a wave, Lucia walks out the door. And I’m left alone with my swirling thoughts.
“This is just soweird, Cole. Don’t you think?”
“Nah, I’m loving this.”
Lucia is still working with a few of the athletes, so I found Cole while waiting for her. I figured he could help me feel better about all of this. Of course, that’s not what’s happening.
“Come on, Cole. This is weird. Thisfeelsweird. It’s one of your best friends and your little sister.”
“Okay, first, you’re two years younger than me, Lo. It’s not like you’re eighteen or something. Second, the only weird thing is you wearing a jersey that doesn’t sayPierceon the back.”
“You really don’t find this situation weird?” I ask earnestly. “Your friend and your sister?”
“Lo, you know I’m not the overprotective brother. You’re your own person—I won’t try to control what you do. You’re both adults anyway. And as much as I’ve been giving Knox shit over this, I think it’ll be a good thing. Even if it isn’t real, I think your positivity might just rub off on him. He needs that.”
I let out a deep breath as Lucia found us in the hall, sidling up beside me. “Did you come to Cole for a pep talk, Lo?” she asks,elbowing me in the ribs. Well, she went for the ribs but hit my boob instead since she’s about six inches taller than me.
“I thought he might be nice about something for once. Instead, he’s giving me shit.”
Cole crosses his arms defiantly. “I do believe that last thing I said was nice, Harlow. But quit overthinking this. You guys are going to be fine.”
“Says the man that won’t have to endure the media storm when this all comes out.”
“You really think I won’t have to deal with the media about this? My sister is dating my teammate. My life won’t be nearly as quiet as I like it. I’ve already accepted that, Lo.”
“Shit, I didn’t even think about that,” I say as I bring my palm up to my forehead. “We should’ve talked to you about this first. I’m sor-”
Cole holds up his hand to silence me. “Don’t apologize. I can try to hide all I want, but the reality is that I’m a professional athlete. I’ll never be completely under the radar. I can manage this.”
“What are you still doing out here, Pierce?” Paul’s voice bellows down the hall. “Get your ass out there for warmups.”