Knox leans over and kisses me. “I really fucking hope so.”
“You’re going to do incredible tonight,” I reassure him. “And I can’t wait to watch my boyfriend become a World Series champion.”
“Meaning your brother would also become a World Series champion, Lo.”
I groan. “Knox, you just fucked me into delirium, and we’re both still naked. Can we please not talk about my brother right now?”
“Of course, Lo,” he smiles before pressing a soft kiss to my lips. “I’m not ready to leave you soon.”
“You need to be with your team,” I say, laying my hand on his cheek. “You all need to make sure you’re ready for the game. Someone is winning the World Series tonight, and we all hope it isn’t the Thunderbirds.”
“I know,” he sighs. “But I would also like to just spend all day in bed with you.”
“Offseason starts tomorrow. We’ll have plenty of days where we won’t have to leave the bed at all.”
“Can’t fucking wait,” he says as he kisses me again before helping me sit up.
“I should probably go to my apartment for a bit. You have to leave soon anyway.”
“Why do you even need your apartment anymore?” Knox asks, wrapping his arms around me and putting the back of my head on his shoulder.
“Because that’s where I live.”
He eyes me. “When did you last spend the night there, Lo?”
“It’s, uh… been a while,” I admit sheepishly.
“It’s been since before I tore my hamstring if you want to be specific.”
“Because you keep me up all night,” I say, poking his side, “and you won’t let me take the subway when it’s late.”
He laughs heartily. “Or because I just don’t want you to leave. I love having you here with me, Lo.”
I turn my head to face him. “Are you getting at something, Knox?”
“I can’t keep anything from you.” He grins widely before softly kissing the tip of my nose. “Why don’t you just move in with me?”
I look at him in surprise. “You want me to move in?”
Knox repositions me now, bringing me to sit on his lap as I face him. “Why not? You stay here every night anyway. You’re practically living with me now, just without having your things here.”
“Yeah, but if I move in, I’ll always be here.”
“Good.” He gently kisses my forehead.
I study him now to see how serious he is. He looks completely relaxed. This isn’t a stressor. This is a genuine want from him, to have me around all the time.
“You really want me to move in?”
Knox smiles at me. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t mean it, Lo.”
“The offseason is getting ready to start. You’ll never be away from me.”
“Perfect,” he says, brushing his thumb over my bottom lip.
I blush as I turn my face, burying it in his chest. “Alright then.”
“Yeah?” His smile is wide, lighting him up in genuine happiness. “You’ll move in?”