Page 141 of Off Pitch

The room laughs. When was the last time I got a room of people to laugh? It feels nice.

Josh pipes in. “We’ve been trying to tell you that for years, Fort. At least you’ll listen to Harlow.” That earns another laugh from the room.

“Another one for Spencer,” says the same female reporter. “We know Josh is engaged. Any future plans for you and your girlfriend?”

“Let’s stick to baseball, please,” Skipper says, trying to steer the conversation back.

“It’s alright, Skip. I don’t mind.” I turn back to the reporters. “It’s way too early to answer that question. We haven’t been together long enough for either of us to have considered that. But never say never, I suppose.”

Josh shoots me a disbelieving smile as Skip closes out the questioning and releases us from the media room. As soon as we’re in the hall, I take off toward the clubhouse to find Harlow.

I turn the corner and find her in the hall with Lucia, Rory, Cole, Lane, and a sleeping Sage. She’s mid-conversation when I come up and grab her from behind, spinning her around as she shrieks before setting her back down.

“What the hell was that?” she says, laughing. The other four are giving me very curious looks.

“Seemed like it would be fun,” I say, leaning back against the wall. “I did get you to scream, though, so I’m calling it a win.”

“From what I’ve heard,” Rory says maliciously, “you’regreatat getting her to scream.”

“Fuck, Rory,” Cole moans. “I don’t want to hear about that.”

“Maybe you just need to make someone scream, Pierce,” Rory fires back. “Maybe then you’ll be less cranky about it.”

God, these two just need to fuck and get it over with. Just don’t let Skip find out.

“Yeah, I’m not getting involved in that,” Harlow says, turning around to face me. “Good game tonight, Knox. Five innings and no runs. Much better than your last outing.”

“I didn’t have my good luck charm at my last outing,” I say, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in closer, ignoring our friends surrounding us.

“And who’s fault was that?” she replies with a smirk.

I smile back. “Don’t worry. That won’t happen again.”

“That so?” She eyes me curiously.

“You’re going to be at every game from now on, Lo.”

“Big talk, Slick.” Harlow leans closer now, standing on her tiptoes to bring her face closer to mine. “Don’t forget that you only have me through the season, though.”

I chuckle. “Baby, we both know that isn’t true.”

Her eyes go wide. “What does that mean, Knox?” Unease washes over her. I can see she’s trying not to get her hopes up after the last time.

I press my forehead against hers. “That means I’m not letting you go again, Harlow. I’m keeping you.”

“How do you plan on keeping me?” she asks, breath hitching in her throat. “What- what are you saying here?”

“I’m going to start by saying I hope you don’t have plans for tomorrow night.” I push her hair behind her ears, now getting a better view of those ocean eyes that have etched a permanent place in my heart.

“You guys don’t have a game, so I’m free.”

“Perfect,” I say, smiling wide. “I’m taking you on a date tomorrow night, then. Arealdate. Just us, Harlow. No cameras, no show.”

Her smile is blinding. “You want to take me on a date?”

“As long as you say yes.”

She quickly presses her lips against mine, kissing me softly and tenderly. Pulling back, she says, “I would love that, Knox.Yes,I’ll go on a date with you.”